39: Exams

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Song: Wheel in the Sky by Journey (Don't laugh you youngin's lol. I like to go old school sometimes.)

Amy just didn't understand sometimes.  She couldn't help the giggle that ripped past her lips.  She looked to the terrified doctor, and she felt sympathy for the poor man creep past her defenses.  "Unnecessary, J!  Seriously?"

She stood up and walked towards the shaking doctor.  She laid her hand on J's wrist, pointing the gun towards the floor.  "You're not happy about this, kitten?  I thought we discussed this?!"  She could tell he was frustrated.  He just didn't get that a shaking doctor with a gun pointed square at his head was a useless doctor. She had to remind herself that the thought was in the right place.

"Of course, I'm happy that you brought a doctor to the house.  Your methods?  Not so much."  She turned back towards the doctor and gently walked towards him. She then took his shaking arm in hers and led him towards the end of the bed.

J just pouted.

She told the doctor, "I'm Amy. I apologize for all of this, but you really have no idea how much I appreciate that you're here. Did he tell you the reason you're here?" she made sure to keep her voice soft. She didn't want to scare this poor man more than he already was.

He just shook his head. So not only did J put a gun to his head, but he didn't even tell him why he kidnapped this man. Good going, J! Good going! She turned her face towards J and put on the sternest expression she could pull out of her repertoire. He shrugged his shoulders and bit out, "What? Was I supposed to send out an invite?" He looked like he didn't care to explain; he continued right along with his pouting.

"Well now the poor shaking doctor has to get between my legs, J!" She couldn't help that her voice rose at the end of the statement. She also couldn't help how her statement came out. The doctor gasped loudly, and she just knew he wasn't at all getting it.

A cocky grin stole across J's face. He chuckled and asked, "Now who's got the doctor scared?" He looked straight at the doctor who's face went pale as a ghost and asked, "Wanna fuck my lady over here? Huh?"

"Unnecessary! Stop it!" Before things got even further out of hand, Amy turned her body towards the doctor and told him, "I'm pregnant. I need a check up, hence all the equipment." Where the hell did he get all this stuff from anyways? Oh well, gift horses... "Please don't think that any harm is going to come to you. We need you. Or well... I need you, but that's all that matters." She shot a look at J that told him she needed the doctor before he got any ideas. "I need someone to monitor my pregnancy and eventually deliver, and I'm sure you understand how confidentiality is going to be a must for us. If you help us out, I'm sure there will be no reason for ANYONE to harm you." She shot another look at J for good measure.

She was grateful that he thought of her comfort with bringing the doctor to her. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that he didn't want anyone knowing about the pregnancy too. Nonetheless, she was very grateful that she would have a doctor now, even if he went about getting her a doctor in all the wrong ways. She shouldn't have been surprised about it, though.

J stated to no one in particular, "Well, that takes the fun out of everything."

The doctor's face fell even more. She sighed. Nothing can be easy. She touched his shoulder and asked, "Please?"

The doctor looked in her eyes, and she knew he was looking for the same insanity written all over J's face. When he must have come to the conclusion that she was somewhat sane, he whispered, "Does he have to stay, miss?"

She smiled big and clapped her hands together, "Good idea! J! Out!"

"No can do, honey buns." His expression went serious. "I'm not leaving you alone with him."

"It'll be fine. Just a quick ultrasound and exam. He's too scared with you here! He won't be able to focus."

"Oh, and I'm not good enough to see the ultrasound? Fuck him if he's scared. I'm staying, and if he wants to live, he will focus. And focus he will! Won't you, doc?" He smiled at the man, and it was scarier than she'd ever seen before. Talk about focus. Maybe he should focus on his roller coaster emotions.

Amy realized that this was all so he could see the ultrasound. He was curious about the pregnancy. He was curious about the baby. Her heart fluttered in her chest. He was so wrong in his ways that he went about everything, but at least, towards her, his mind was in the right place.

"J, stay, just stop talking. It's not helping." She shot the doctor a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. He's right. He stays, but he'll shut up hopefully." The doctor didn't look too happy about the results of their conversation.

J clapped his hands together and explained to them, "Ok, then it's settled! I'll just stop talking, and we'll proceed. I always have these brilliant plans." He shook his hand towards them, giving them permission to proceed.

Amy rolled her eyes and looked towards the doctor. He stated in a quiet voice, "I'm Doctor Hugo. I have a couple questions I need to ask you." He took a quick tentative look towards J, then looked back at her. "It would help if I could start a file on you."

"No. Next." J didn't even allow the question.

Amy didn't care. "Let me get you something. We will keep my file, but I understand why you'd want to start one." J just sighed. She stood up and walked towards the doorway. She screamed for Howard to bring her a pen and notebook. Jonny then appeared a minute later at the doorway, and he didn't look thrilled with Amy. She wasn't about to care. She was getting the exam she needed.

She sat back down with the doctor at the edge of the bed and answered an unending string of questions. Doctor Hugo calculated that she was now about 9 weeks pregnant, and when he told her, she looked to J. His face was a blank canvas. She wanted to know what he was thinking, but he wasn't letting anything show while she was answering the questions.

The doctor wrote a couple things down in the notebook, and then he told her to completely undress from the waist down and cover herself with a sheet. "Where should I wait while you undress?"

She looked towards J for an answer. She didn't think he would want the doctor roaming around the house. J instructed, "Come with me." He grabbed the doctors arm, and the poor man immediately looked to Amy for help. She didn't say anything though.

After they left the room, she got undressed and did as instructed. When she heard a light knock on the door, she yelled, "Come in!"

A/N: LOL! I love when J is being just plain goofy. It gets even better in the next chapter. The next chapter is just so freaking sweet too. One of those hysterical/adorable chapters. So in love with this book and these two characters! I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter!

Until next time, lovelies! Ta!

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