54: Desperation

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Song: HeavyDirtySoul by Twenty One Pilots

Falcone continued his speech, acting like Amy didn't speak, "I am doing these two a huge favor by getting rid of them.  You have been a nuisance to me, Mr. Joker, and I'm tired of it.  I have tried countless times to be rid of you, but this time, I will make it hurt first.  Zsasz here will make sure of it."

She looked towards Zsasz and saw that there was still no emotion gracing his haunting face.  There was nothing in those eyes.  She couldn't read anything on him.  Does he really not care?  Does he actually have no feelings, or is he hiding them?  What would it take to crack him?

She then looked towards the love of her life.  J wasn't holding up well under the pressure.  He was just waiting to go off.  He was waiting to kill, waiting to do what he does best--cause destruction of everything around him.  She just hoped she didn't go down in the process.  She had so much she needed to tell him.  Apologies were at the top of her list of what to tell him.  He deserved that before she died.  He deserved even more than that, but she was quickly realizing her time was coming to an end soon.  

Naked from the waist down, in the most compromising situation she had ever been in, pretty sure she was about to die, she told J, "I'm so sorry.  I was so wrong.  I'm so in love with you."  

She felt a tear track down her cheek.  There was so much she wouldn't get to experience.  She wouldn't get to hold her baby boy or girl for the first time or see the look on J's face when he finally met his little one.  There would be no first words or first steps.  She wouldn't get to say goodbye to Freddy, or finish his alphabet lessons or his numbers lessons.  She wouldn't get to see her little ones grow up.  What hurt more than anything else was that she would never get her happily ever after with her Jason.  They wouldn't get to grow old together, and she wouldn't laugh at his childish antics ever again. 

She looked over to her Jason and the rage written across his pale visage grew tenfold.  "Fuck you, you worthless whore!  You're too much trouble.  I give the fuck up."  Her breath was stolen from her lungs.  She was so confused.  He was her knight-in-shining-armor coming to save her.  He was supposed to profess his undying love for her in his last moments.  He was supposed to tell her how much he cared, how he regretted the loss of their future--the loss of their baby.

Falcone gave a snort.  "Ah, ah, ah.  I can see right through you. Desperation doesn't look good on you, my boy.  I see what she means to you.  Grasping at straws now, Mr. Joker?"

Desperation?  He's only acting?

She then heard pounding footsteps echo throughout the warehouse.  When she looked to J, she saw a grin plastered across his face.  "Nope.  Just buying time."  The handcuffs then fell off his wrists as she saw a couple masked henchmen file into the room quickly, holding their guns up and pointing them towards Falcone and Zsasz.  In the blink of an eye, she saw J grab a gun out of one of his henchmen's hands, and he pointed it right at Zsasz.  "Drop the gun, Zsasz.  Now!"

When she looked up at the haunting man, he still didn't wear any expression.  The hand holding the gun lifelessly dropped to his side.  He walked up to the older man and patted his cheek, "I don't do desperate, old man.  You should know me better by now.  This is just soo..." he patted his cheek none too gently to punctuate his words, "unbelievably... upsetting. Ha ha ha..."  And her Jason was back to his old self.  She should have known he said and did everything for a precise purpose.  I'm going to live.  I'm going to have my baby.  I'm going to be able to look for my Freddy.  

Tears started pouring from her eyes, and she just couldn't help it.  There was no words to describe how much hope she felt at that moment.  J then looked to her, unmistakable concern written across his features.  He immediately walked towards the table she was bound to and pushed Zsasz away from her after getting the gun out of his hand.  Zsasz just stared at J, watching his next move.  He unbound her feet and then her wrists.  When he brushed his fingers over her broken wrist to unbind it, she hissed in pain.  When the cuff came off her wrist, he could see that her hand hung limply.  "Kitten, it's going to be ok."

He then took off his long, violet, leather jacket and gently laid it over her hips and legs.  

"Well, isn't this sweet?  Can we please get back to the matters at hand, J?"  Zsasz wanted to know the next step in the situation.  

J gave her one last look and whispered, "It'll be ok."  He then turned around and walked to Falcone.  "I'm going to bind you to a table and beat you and smash your fingers like you had Zsasz do to this pretty little woman over here.  Sound good?  Let's get started."

Falcone moved quickly and shoved a hand in his jacket, pulling out a gun, and she screamed in panic.  Before the old man could even raise the gun, though, the henchmen moved in quickly and shot him, but not before J could get a bullet right between his eyes.  She watched it all happen so quickly, she was shocked.  Bullets sprayed into Falcone's body and the gore splattered across the entire room, including her.  

She then saw Zsasz move quickly in all the panic around him.  He slipped out a side door in the room and was gone before J could catch him.  "Zsasz!  He ran!"

J turned to look where Zsasz was previously standing and saw he was no longer in the room.  "Good riddance.  I hate that creepy bastard."

Without so much as a glance at Falcone's dead body laying in the middle of the room, J stalked to her side.  He went to take her hands in his, and she once again hissed out in pain and tried to pull back her hands.  He didn't let them go, though.  He raised her hands to inspect them and saw the two smashed fingers.  He then looked up to her face.  She saw the concern for her in those icy blue depths.  She saw his desperation, the sleepless nights, his pain for her.  He inspected the bruises on her face.  When he gently set her hands back down into her lap, he raised his fingers to delicately inspect her cheekbone that had the worst damage. 

That was when she saw his love. 

A single tear welled in his eye and unbeknownst to him, it rolled down his cheek.  

That was when she knew she would spend an eternity and then some with this man in front of her.  She was so wrong about him.  She wasn't too proud to say, "I'm so sorry."

A/N: Sooooo... I'm so sorry that I have taken so long to post this chapter.  I really feel horrible about it, but I have been so busy with work and with the holidays.  Good news... I am now off from work for the next 12 whole days, so I will be able to post more regularly again.  Also, during this break, I have goals.  1. Finish posting this story (only a couple chapters left). 2. Post the Zsasz short story. 3. Finish writing Inhibitionless and start posting.  Lots to do!  Yayyyy!

Until next time, lovelies!  Ta!

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