48: Begging

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Song: Begging for Thread by BANKS

Four more days passed, and Amy felt like she was going to choke on her breath from panic at this point.  She couldn't find any kind of job where she could bring Freddy to work with her.  As much as she tried to explain her situation, it only worked to make employers less likely to hire her.  They didn't want to deal with her; they didn't want to deal with Freddy. 

She was feeling as helpless as she did in that dark room, but she was in the bright light of day.  There was not one person that wanted to help her.  It seemed like the more she begged, the less inclined they were to deal with her.  The second she told people about being pregnant, they didn't want to deal with the benefits and giving maternity leave.  She was helpless and hopeless. 

What was also hopeless was that her heart was starting to ache more than her mind was getting angry.  She didn't just miss the clothes and heat, she missed him.  She missed who he was acting like, even moreso than a couple months ago.  She actually started to build a life and family with that man.  The man she fell in love with.  The villain she fell in love with.  She knew that what he was doing in that room with the girl must have been wrong, though, so she stuck to her guns.  She may have been helpless, but she wasn't psychotic. 

She grabbed her and Freddy a burger from the place down the street and brought them back to the room to eat for dinner.  Freddy was a little trooper.  She just acted like each time they walked into an establishment to ask about hiring, they were going on an adventure, and he would treat it as such.  He would look at the dingy diners like they were the Taj Mahal.  She couldn't love him any more than she already did.  It would be absolutely impossible. 

After eating their burgers, she ran a bath for him, and she let him play in the bathtub for a while with a cup and washcloth.  That was all she could give him for toys.  She was folding clothes that they got washed at the laundromat when she heard the door open.  Without turning around, she yelled, "Freddy, you're wet, get back in the bathroom now!"

She continued folding, but when she heard his laugh coming from behind a closed door, she figured it out.  It wasn't the bathroom door.  Before she could turn around, there were strong arms wrapping around her shoulders and a cloth covered hand over her mouth.  Seconds later, she blacked out.


She woke up sitting in a cold chair.  She shook her head, trying to get the fogginess out of her head.  She went to stretch and found that her arms were tied behind her back with a thick, scratchy rope.  She started to kick out, but her ankles were tied to the chair legs with the same uncomfortable rope.  She opened her eyes and found a bright light in her face.  She couldn't see around her because the light was blinding.  It was too much for her foggy brain to process.  "Hello?  Where's my son?"

"Ahhh, Amelia.  You're awake."

"My son.  Where's my son?"  Her heart started racing with panic.  He was in the bath the last time she saw him.  She would kill if someone hurt him.

"Your son?"


"We didn't get a boy.  Just you.  But thanks for that information, Amelia."

She then heard footsteps walk away from her and a door open.  "If you hurt him, I will kill you!"

"Not if we kill you first."  The door slammed shut, and she was left to her own thoughts. 

It has to be the men who kidnapped us before.  Fuck!

A while later, she had bleeding wrists from trying to get out of the restraints.  The ropes eventually were soaked with her blood, so the wetness only made the irritation worse.  She heard the door open and footsteps towards her place in the middle of the room. 

Finally, a man walked into the light.  He was terrifying.  He was tall and leanly built.  He had absolutely no hair on his face or head.  His face was pale and sunken in.  He was wearing a black suit with white gloves.  She could feel the icy chill tingle down her spine when she looked in his eyes.  He was completely lifeless. 

"What do you want?"

"Well, I think it's been obvious this entire time."

"Why me, though?"

"That's also obvious."  His voice was as lifeless as his eyes.  He had no feeling or emotion behind any of his answers. 

"I never want anything to do with him again."

"When you're dead, that'll be easy."

"Why haven't you killed me already, then?"

"Well, I need to get everything you know about the Joker from you first.  Then, I'll kill you.  Until then, talk."

"Never."  As much as she hated the Joker right now, she knew she couldn't give this man any information on the father of her child.  He may be a murderous lunatic, but this man looked to be right there with him.  She knew in her heart of hearts she still didn't want the Joker to get hurt in all of this. 

"Then, I think you may need some persuading."  He pulled out a hammer and before she could even process what he had in his hand, he swung it and with all his strength, he smashed her pinky finger.  White hot pain seared her brain.  She screamed at the top of her lungs and immediately choked on it.  Her back arched off the back of the chair and every muscle in her body tensed until she was sure she was going to shatter into a million pieces.  If this fucker thinks he can persuade me this way, he's crazier than J.

Once she was able to finally get her breathing back to normal, and the tears stopped streaming from her eyes, she slowly looked up behind her messy hair.  "Fuck you.  Won't work."

"Then, we can try something else."

A/N:  Yea, I know.  Very graphic.  Sorry.  But man, this Amy doesn't give up, and I love her backbone.  She's my most favorite character I've ever written, well besides Freddy.  Let me know what you think.  Do you know who that man is?  Teehee.  I love his character, but he scares the shit out of me.  lol. 

Until next time, lovelies!  Ta!

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