32: Heroes

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She was right. She turned her head to watch the door and saw it shatter to pieces under one swift kick from the man. She jumped up and stood in front of Freddy. She would fight this oaf. She didn't know why he insisted on getting to her and Freddy, but she wasn't about to go without a fight. Freddy wrapped himself around her knees, and she knew it wouldn't be a perfect fighting pose, but she was up for the challenge.

"Leave us alone!" she hissed. She wasn't in the mood for this guy. She wanted to know what was going on, but more than that, she wanted to know what was going on from J. She didn't want anyone around her and Freddy. She wanted them left alone. She knew she was being irrational, but she didn't know this man. She wasn't letting them get kidnapped again. No fucking way!

"Let's go, and bring the kid!" the big masked man shouted at her. He walked towards the shower stall, and he reached out to grab her. He was huge—he must have been well over six foot. He was intimidating. He was wearing all black and a black and white mask. There was no way she was going with him. The rational part of her mind told her that he was a henchman, but she wasn't thinking rationally--she just wanted to keep Freddy safe.  She used her nails to scratch the meaty arm reaching for her.

"You fucking bitch!" She then saw that hand swing for her face. He slapped her right across the cheek, and the sharp sting ran right through her veins. She lifted her hand to her cheek and immediately felt the heat coming off her skin. She looked up towards his face, and she lifted her fist to punch him in the upper chest. She couldn't reach his face, but she was going to try her hardest to keep him away from her and Freddy.

"Keep it up, lady. There's more where that came from. Let's go. Mr. J will want you downstairs with everyone else."

"We're not going down there! Get the fuck away from us!"

She tried to punch out at him again, but it was all for nothing. He grabbed her long hair and pulled. The brutal tug on her scalp had her screeching out. He pulled her from Freddy's grasp out of the shower stall. He was holding her away from him so she couldn't do much else but get dragged around with him.  He was incredibly strong, and ice flowed down her spine.

He reached down to grab Freddy's little arm, and she saw red. She started swinging to no avail. She then kicked out at him. Her bare foot met his shin, and she knew it did more damage to her than to him. Freddy struggled against his grasp and yelled out, "Mommy!"

She tried again to kick him and swing at him, but the more she tried to hurt him, the more he tugged on her hair. She eventually gave up when he had Freddy in his grasp. "I will fucking kill you!" she promised the masked henchman.  Freddy continued his screaming and kicking, but just as she wasn't getting anywhere, he wasn't either.  The horrible man walked out of the bathroom, then the bedroom, and he dragged them unceremoniously down the steps.

He pushed her towards the couch, and then he shoved Freddy towards her. She looked around at the living room and saw that all the windows were shattered. The furniture was completely destroyed. The walls had countless bullet holes in them. She got the chills just sitting in the room. If they were both sitting in the living room when that happened, they would both be dead at this point. It was unimaginable to her. She didn't even want to think about it. Where is J?

"Stay there!" There were half a dozen masked henchmen standing in the room with their guns drawn. "Don't move, or we shoot, bitch."

She knew it wasn't an empty threat. This man had no idea just how safe the Joker was keeping them. J hadn't laid a hand on her or Freddy. He was taking care of them. Will J be ok with his treatment of us? Amy lost a little hope thinking that he would allow this treatment of a little boy and a woman pregnant with his child. She was just a little defeated thinking that this would be acceptable treatment of them in J's eyes.

She pulled Freddy onto her lap and told the man, "You're going to regret this." She hugged Freddy closer to her and pushed the hair out of his tearful eyes. "It's ok, baby. It'll be ok."

"Where's t-the Joker-r, Momm-mmy?" Freddy asked for the millionth time today through his little hiccups.

"I don't know, honey. But he'll save us. Remember? He promised." Amy raised her hand to her cheek and felt the heat coming off what had to be a hand print on her face. She didn't know what this would mean to J. He may be just fine with their treatment.

About an hour later, after finally getting Freddy to calm down and lay on the couch to fall asleep under a throw blanket with newly formed holes in it, she heard a loud engine roaring down the driveway. She heard screeching tires, and then with the car still running, she saw the front door slam open.

J had a wild look in his eyes. His usually slicked back hair was a mess. His clothes were in disarray. He didn't look into the living room, he went immediately for the stairs. "Where the fuck are they?" he yelled to no one in particular.

"Boss, they're in here," the big asshole henchman announced.

J immediately turned around at the bottom of the stairs. He looked towards her and his face immediately went slack. His shoulders dropped in what she assumed was relief. He tentatively walked towards her and asked, quietly, "Are you ok, Amelia? Is Freddy ok?"

"We're ok." She didn't feel like talking. She didn't feel like anything. She honestly just wanted to feel strong arms around her and smell that crisp clean smell that was uniquely him wrapped around her.

She looked in his eyes, and immediately she knew his henchmen's treatment of her and Freddy was unacceptable. She didn't think he would allow anything that happened to them today. The gunfire that she still didn't know the reason for. The slap across the face. The henchman grabbing up Freddy's arm and pulling her by her hair. J was crazy, and he wasn't going to be ok.  She saw that now, and she wanted to kick herself for thinking otherwise.  Why else would he run into that building guns blazing if he didn't care about her well being?

As soon as she thought that thought, she watched as his eyes registered the hand print across her face.  His face twisted into a sick grin, and he started laughing slowly and quietly. He looked like he just heard the funniest joke ever, but he was still waiting for the punchline.  The only hint of his anger could be seen in his eyes.  His eyes showed a pain unlike she saw before in him.  

That was when she knew what the punchline was going to be. He looked to her and asked,"Who was it, Amelia?"

A/N: So there you have it!  Amelia overreacted a bit, but just you wait until you see how much J overreacts!  Mwahaha!  Let me know what you think.  What do you think happens next?  As usual, leave a comment or vote if you liked it!

Until next time, lovelies!  Ta!

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