9: Intimacy

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Song: Good for You by Selena Gomez

A couple hours later, Amy laid in bed and was waiting around for Jason to come back to the room.  She wanted to listen to the rest of the audiobook, but he promised he would listen to it with her tonight.  She hoped that was the truth.  She thought back on their toe-curling kiss.  She was on cloud nine.  She really liked this guy, and the way he could kiss would make any woman melt.  She wondered why he would be single.  It should have been impossible, with his hard body, his panty-melting kiss, his deep, rumbling voice, and the money should have helped.  Maybe that was what was wrong—he couldn't find anyone not interested in the money.  She heard of people having that problem before, but never thought much of it, since she was in the opposite situation. 

That must be lonely—to have all this money and no one to share it with.  She thought it may be lonelier to have absolutely no money and have no one to share the burden with, but who was she to say any differently.  She'd never been rich. 

She just wanted to know why he got so annoyed earlier.  When she said she liked him and she appreciated him, she thought she was being kind by being honest.  Apparently, that wasn't the case. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door open.  "Am I late for our date?" she heard the playfulness in his voice.  She shook her head, with a big smile on her face, to let him know she was happy he still came to her to finish the book. 

She leaned over to grab the iPad off the end table where she left it.  She was waiting to feel the bed dip, but it was a long couple seconds before she asked, "Ready?"

She heard a rustle in the chair away from the bed, and he replied, "Yup."

"Oh, you're sitting over there."  She couldn't keep the disappointment from her voice.  She was getting used to having his comforting warmth next to her. I'm getting spoiled, and this totally won't last forever, Amy. 

She pressed the button to start the audiobook, but he instead stated, "Not sure I won't fuck you if I lay next to you right now," in his usual bluntness.  She couldn't help the blush that rose to her cheeks.  So he isn't mad at me.  That doesn't explain his annoyance earlier, but damn, I'm not sure I would stop him if he tried.  Probably a bad idea right now.

All she could reply with was a little, "Ok," that was more a squeak than a reply.

After probably an hour of listening, she heard the rustling across the room.  She paused the book and asked, "Do you really still think it is Felix?  I mean, come on, all signs point to Jane." 

She heard a groan come from him, and she could imagine that he was stretching out his tall, lean body.  "It's Felix, Amelia."  Finally, she felt the bed dip next to her.  "Now don't go jumping me.  You stay on your side, and I'll stay on my side.  Let's call it a truce, because that chair couldn't be any less comfortable."  She giggled like a schoolgirl at him. Since when do I giggle like a fucking schoolgirl?  Wow, Amy, get your shit together.  It's called a crush.  He told her, "Start the book again.  It's Felix."

After a couple minutes, she felt his solid hand take hers.  He did nothing else but play with her fingers between his as they listened to the end of the book.  It wasn't anything sexual.  It wasn't him trying to make a move on her.  It was purely to feel that there was someone there with her in the moment.  It wasn't a friendly gesture, but more intimate in that, and she felt her heart start aching.  He was as lost as her, and they were really going to be something great when she could get her vision back and start living.  She felt it deep in her bones in that moment.  She may be falling a teensy, tiny bit for him.  She didn't know how to feel about that but decided to stop thinking so much into it.

When the book finally ended, she just laid there and if she could, she'd be staring at the ceiling.  Instead, she was locked in the blackness that surrounded her.  He didn't say anything; he just kept playing with her hand.  So he was right about it being Felix.  Weird.  There was nothing that gave him away the entire book, and Jason knew immediately.  He pieced together the entire story within minutes.  He must be some kind of genius, unless he was lying, and he really did read the book before.  "Are you sure you aren't lying about reading the book before?"

"No, why would I lie about reading a book, kitten?"  He did that strange thing where he went to laugh again, but he caught himself.  "I'm just that great," he mock scoffed. 

"Well, you get a gold star, Mr. Jason.  You are really good at this game."

"I'm good at a lot of games, Amelia."

He got up from the bed and muttered, "I'll be back later."  With that, he walked out the door and closed it behind him.  He is acting like really, really strange.  But how would I know?  I've known him, what four days?  She had a feeling this was acting strange for him, though. 

A/N: So this part is a little shorter.  But technically, this could be considered their first date. Happy about that, but just wait for the next one.  It's going to be a love it or hate it chapter.  So as usual, let me know what you think about this chapter.  Let me know what you think about his creepy already knowing who the murderer was.  Let me know what you think about her thinking he is acting strange.  As always, constructive criticism is very welcome.

Until next time, lovelies.  Ta!

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