38: Surprises

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Song: Umbrella by Rihanna

"I have a surprise for you, kitten."  J couldn't have sounded more excited.  She looked up from her place at the dining room table.  She was going over numbers with Freddy.  He was a very smart kid, and she was just so proud of how well he was doing.  It seemed like he enjoyed learning.  He was sucking up these lessons like a sponge, and she felt torn about this.  On one hand, she was very proud of him, but on the other hand, it really upset her because he should have already been taught these things.  He was behind, but she thought a good mother would take it upon herself to make sure he wasn't behind anymore, so that's what she did. 

Freddy looked up from his book and asked, "No surprises for me?"  His sad face did funny things to her heart.  She just wanted to give him the world.

"I really hope it's not more clothes, J.  There's just no more room, and half the things you bought me before still have tags."  She sounded as exasperated as she was.  She didn't need his surprises, and she didn't need him to go all out for her and Freddy all the time.  It just wasn't necessary.  He put a roof over their heads, and he fed them, and that was all that mattered.  Everything else was icing on the cake.

"I do what I want, Amelia.  What if it is clothes?  Are you going to be offended?  I think I should get you more clothes."  He laughed at himself.  "Mental note:  Get Amelia an obnoxious amount of clothes.  Check.  And no, Freddy.  Don't be greedy.  It's not all about you."

These were the moments that Freddy shined in J's presence, and she just adored him for it.  He didn't take anything J said seriously, and he gave back as good as he got.  He said, "My Mommy tells me it is, and she's the only one that matters."  He gave such a snotty smirk, Amy could just kiss him.  He was a sweet little boy, but apparently being parentless gave him a bit of a backbone.  He had grit against J, and she just loved it. 

J couldn't help laughing at Freddy's remark, and he replied, "Sorry, whipper snapper.  This one's not for you.  Howard!"  He just flat out yelled towards the stairs.  He just didn't have any manners.  He just yelled and expected people to magically appear. 

Amy told Freddy, "You're done for today.  Do you want to watch cartoons?"  She went over to the TV and turned it on.  She put on his favorite Mickey cartoon, and he sat on the large chair in front of the fireplace.  She turned to J, "So what's this surprise?"  She couldn't help being a bit curious.  Even though she harped on him about it, she liked that he gave her surprises.  She never got surprises before, and she wasn't used to someone getting her things. 

Howard came into the room and asked, "Mister J?"

He said, "Howard, watch the boy.  Me and Amelia have some business to attend to."

He grabbed Amy by the arm and pulled her towards the stairs.  He could barely contain his excitement.  He was like a child on Christmas morning.  The harder he pulled her, the more excited she got.  "J, what's this about?  Slow down.  I can't keep up."  She was tripping over her own feet. 

He got to the bedroom door, pushed it open, pushed her through the doorway and said, "Wait here!  I'll be right back!" 

She was out of breath from their running up the steps.  She walked to the bed and sat down on the edge.  This running while pregnant thing doesn't work out so well. 

She was still trying to catch her breath when the door slammed open again.  In walked Jonny and a couple of J's henchmen carrying equipment of all sorts.  She asked Jonny, "What's this about?"

"Just you wait, Amelia.  He may have finally lost it."  That made her stomach drop.  She didn't know what all this equipment was, but she was now nervous.  She thought back to Jonny's warning about her future with J.  Is this finally it?  Has he finally lost it?  She hoped with everything she was that wasn't the case.  She needed more time in this fairy tale.  Why does it always get ripped away from me?

The henchmen started setting up the equipment next to the bed, and she asked Jonny, "Can you please tell me what's going on?"

"What's going on is that I think you finally broke Mr. J."  He smiled and once everything was set up, he directed the henchmen out of the room. 

A couple minutes later, after she tried figuring out what the hell was going on and what the hell the equipment was, she heard J kick the door open.  She just sighed at the sight that met her. 

He pushed an older graying man through the doorway.  The man had on a white coat and what looked like a suit underneath the coat from the pant legs that stuck out under the coat.  A scientist?  A doctor?  J had a gun held to his head.  He burst through the doorway and said, "Surprise!"  The man looked absolutely terrified.  The terror written across his face looked like enough to give him a heart attack.  She would have felt the same way if the Joker kidnapped her, held a gun to her head, and then told someone "Surprise!"

She took a deep breath and asked, "What's all this about, J?" in as calm a voice as possible. Him and his antics.

J looked offended.  J looked like someone just kicked his cat.  J looked adorable that way.  The man in the white coat obviously didn't feel J looked adorable that way.  He looked like he was going to be sick at any moment, and if he got sick, Amy sure would, too.  This was going to be a messy surprise.

"You really don't know what this all is?  Well!  That spoiled the surprise!"  He looked towards the man and said, "Doesn't that just spoil this surprise?"  He looked back to Amelia and said, "I feel like you don't appreciate this, kitten."  He was talking with his hands and pointing the gun all over the room.  He held his hands out, still holding the gun and asked, "Don't you women all know a pussy doctor when you see one?"

A/N:  HAHAHAH.  I just absolutely adore these moments.  He just doesn't get it.  He never will.  He tries, but it just doesn't go the way he wants, and he doesn't see what's wrong with the things he does.  It's scary, but it's funny, too.  What do you think about his surprise?  What do you think will happen next?  Let me know what you think and vote if you liked this chapter!  Also, let me know what you didn't like if you didn't like something!

Until next time, lovelies!  Ta!

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