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Jillienne's POV

A month had past after Luke told me he got a girlfriend, and just as I expected we haven't been talking much. I understood why though and I will never complain about it.

I sighed and scrolled down my newsfeed, stopping at a photo of Luke and his girlfriend that he had posted an hour ago. She was leaning in, her lips puckered up and he was playfully leaning away from her.

I'm one of his bestfriends, I shouldn't be upset about this.

I was about to log out when I got a message.

Michael Clifford : hi jillienne mae
Jillienne Mae Garcia: sup michael gordon

And then another message.
Calum Hood: Jill! Hello!
Jillienne Mae Garcia: hiii

These two are always up to something.

I've been friends with Luke's bestfriends in Australia for a year now. Michael and Calum are nice boys but they always get in trouble for skipping classes, along with Luke of course.

Michael Clifford: hey wanna hangout

Jillienne Mae Garcia: i'm thousands of miles away michael. Why are you and calum messaging me

Michael Clifford: that asshole! so thats why he's on his phone

Jillienne Mae Garcia: what is up with u boys i bet u two are tgther right now

Michael Clifford: skype us!

Jillienne Mae Garcia: why

Michael Clifford: bcos we have nothing to do and luke never hangout with us anymore lol

Jillienne Mae Garcia: does he really never

Michael Clifford: not as much as he used to

Jillienne Mae Garcia: I feel u . We barely even talk anymore

Michael Clifford: what an asshole

Jillienne Mae Garcia: he's probably busy with his gf

Michael Clifford: and youre ok with that?

Michael Clifford: ugh calum wants to skype now i will call u

I got a video call from Calum since Michael didn't have a skype account because according to him it takes so much time to make one.
TOO complicated unnecessary piece of crap- Michael's description of the app.
They were together in a room and made funny faces at the camera.

"Dorks." I laughed. "So how are you guys doing without Luke?"

"Trying to get used to hanging out without him because he's an asshole." Calum said and Michael laughed.

"Calum's a little too sensitive when talking about Luke." Michael faced Calum, pinching his cheek. "Aren't you, Caaaaluuum?"

Calum glared at him and slapped his hands off of his face. "Shut up Michael! I'm just pissed."

"Don't worry Cal. He'll come around." I smiled at them.

"I hope so," He let out a sigh. "I bet he's doing the same to you, ignoring you and stuff."

"Well, he's seeing someone now and I can't just expect him to be there for me whenever I wanna talk about my amazing life." I told them.

"Look at her, Calum. Such an understanding friend, unlike someone I know." Michael side eyes Calum.

"Shut up." Calum punched his shoulder before looking at the camera.

"Hey we want you to meet someone!" He excitedly yelled, making me wince at his high pitched voice.

"This is Ashton!" Calum grinned, turning the camera to a guy sitting on just a feet away from them. "He's our drummer!"

Ashton moved to sit next to the boys and gave me a small wave. "Hello!"

"Hi Ashton! I'm Jillienne, you can call me Jill." I smiled at him and he giggled, which was super cute because of his naturally high pitch voice.

"I know who you are, Princess." He giggled, again. I groaned at the nickname Cal and Mikey had given me.

"I hate you guys so much!" I yelled

"Impossible, you're our number one fan." Michael wiggled his eyebrows while Cal chuckled.

These boys, really.....

OoOOoh the band
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