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edited on 18 april 2021

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edited on 18 april 2021

Adrian was a person I hadn't seen in at least a few years now. I'd like to say our relationship was short-lived but it wasn't. We had been crushing on each other for a while in sophomore year until we got together in junior year. We dated for an extensive period of time, journeying through junior and senior year in high school and even successfully made it through our first year of college until I dropped out.

The reason for our breakup still makes irks me to this day and made me second guess my worth for as long as I can remember. Adrian was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. His family was soaking in old money and the flashy watch on his hand right now reminded me of it. His father and mother were...privileged and entitled. Having your son's girlfriend dropping out of college to work at a restaurant wasn't the best look apparently. When Adrian told me we had to break u because I wasn't good enough it hurt like a tonne of bricks. I knew it wasn't his words but I wondered if he even put up a fight when his parents suggested to him.

I never asked because I knew he didn't, he was always a people pleaser.

My grip loosens around Lily and I straighten my posture, meeting the cerulean blue eyes of his. They held wariness and apprehension and I almost wished I had turned away as soon as I felt his presence. 

"I didn't know you'd be here," I state simply, and he stuffs his hands in his pocket with a shrug.

"Uh well, it is Lily's birthday," he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. We break eye contact to watch Lily dance away with a golden tiara sitting on her head.

"And you chose here," I say dryly, "With all the money you have I'm sure there was a nicer place out here in New York," Adrian doesn't flinch but only resorts to let out a breathy life. I contain myself from raising my eyebrows in surprise; he doesn't deserve that. I knew my words were harsh and I meant them to inflict only a fifth of the pain he had inflicted on me, but he brushes them off casually.

"I chose here for a reason," he says, his eyes suddenly appearing more cautious than before, "Isla.."

"We are not doing this right now," I cut him off with a raise of the hand, "Listen I get it, you were forced, blah, blah, blah. But honestly? That's the biggest load of shit I've heard this year and I don't need this right now. I've finally come to peace with it and I don't want or need this," By the time I'm finished, his eyes are cast downwards and he is fidgeting.

His hand runs through his unruly chestnut hair that I once used to remember the exact texture of once he had washed his hair with his vanilla and peach shampoo. We are staring at each other with a slight rawness and concern. We both know that my whole proclamation is slightly full of shit but we don't mention it. I'm wondering if we'd still be together if not for his parents but the thought is short-lived when a gentle hand clasps my shoulder.

"Hey...We need help back there," Erin's eyes flicker between the both of us before settling on me with a look that asks if I'm okay.

I nod my head defiantly and let out a deep breath. Me and Adrian's eyes briefly meet and I pass him a temporary quirk of the lips before I leave with Erin.

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