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I stand still as I hear the foreign voice from behind me. Beside me, Damien's now smirking as he stares above my head, obviously staring at the person.


I slowly turn around and place a bright smile on my face, "Hey Adrian!" I chirp before wincing.

Crap. That sounds too sweet...

"Uh hey, Isla.." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly and Damien chuckles quietly.

"So....What are you doing here..?" I ask him curiously. I didn't really know why he would come up to my apartment when we hadn't talked in a while..

"Just wanted to catch up..?" He says unsure and I nod slowly, "But seems like your occupied," He nods gesturing to Damien not forgetting to narrow his eyes. 

"No! Damien was just being a kind gentleman and walking me home," I pat Damien's shoulder and he smirks smugly.

"Right," Adrian says not believing a word I'm saying.

"Actually, I'm staying, Which means Isla is occupied," Damien pats my head and I grumble under my breath.

"I'm not a dog you idiot," I slap him across the cheek and he rolls his eyes, "Now leave."

"Nu UH! I'm staying."

"And so am I," Adrian interrupts.

Oh, great.

So here is Damien, Adrian and I all sitting together on my lounge staring awkwardly at the coffee table. I don't understand why they have a certain rivalry going on here. Damien doesn't even know who Adrian is.

This is all pretty useless and dumb.

"If you guys are just going to stay staring at the coffee table you can both leave. Your occupying room in my apartment," I roll my eyes.

"Well actually,  I had a very important question to ask you," Damien smiles at me and I squint my eyes at him.

"No. I'm not going on a date with you, having sex with you, meeting your parents, going to another interview and DON'T even think about making me model with you," I shiver at the thought and Damien laughs loudly.

"Oh, you have a very interesting imagination," He stands up and checks his phone, "I should be leaving!" He waves kindly to me, "Have a fine evening Miss. Avocado," I narrow my eyes at him. He turns to Adrian, "And have a very, very, VERY bad evening Mr Glaring," Damien salutes to both of us before leaving my apartment.

Cue awkward silence...

"So um...You wanted to talk to me," I bite my lip nervously before moving to the other side of the loveseat. Damien and Adrian decided I should sit in between them. You could say that made the situation more awkward.

"Uh yeah," Adrian rubs the back of his neck as the perk of his ears turn red.


"I just wanted to ask an important question," he states and I nod my head before staring at him intensely. I tend to do that when I want people to ask their questions ASAP! Adrian rips his eyes away from my gaze and stares at the floor.

Okay, so his nervous..maybe staring at him intensely wasn't the best option...

"So are you gonna tell me...Or are we gonna sit in this uncomfortable silence forever?" I question him. He was on the verge of rolling his eyes as he heard my comment but resisted not to.


"I'm sorry...what was that you were kinda talking really fast....and mumbling....heh..." I furrow my eyebrows as Adrian's face grows red by the second.

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