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The sun was streaming through the tilted blinds making the action of opening my eyes more difficult.

I groan as I turn to the other eyes and slightly peak and eye open to see the bed on the other side of the room, neatly dressed.

Well, that's surprising coming from two careless boys.

I grudgingly step out of the bed, noticing the empty presence of Amelia. The waft of bacon and eggs hit me and I wrap my silk robe around my body before quickly run down the stairs only knowing one person that would be capable of actually making delicious food; Nathan.

As I walk up to the kitchen, I wasn't exactly expecting the person that I thought would be standing there. The bedraggled hair and tanned skin told it all away. I open my mouth but turn away, not wanting Damien to know I'm here.

"Uh, Isla?"

Ah, shit.

I turn around slowly placing an artificial smile on my face, "Hey Damien..Where are the rest?"

He leans against the counter slightly smirking from my radiating awkwardness, "Their outside."

"And you stayed here for what reason?" I walk about to the kitchen counter and sit on it, crossing my legs in the process.

He shrugs and turns around, placing the bacon on a plate, "I thought you were hungry."

"Oh," A blush deepens on my cheeks and as Damien turns around I avoid his gaze.

Way to make it obvious Isla.

He chuckles deeply before sliding a plate of eggs, bacon, and waffles towards me. I smile gratefully for ripping a piece of bacon in my mouth. He turns off the stove and leans against the counter, staring at me cautiously.

"It tastes good, right..?" He murmurs his eyes trailing down to my lips.

My face reddens from his daring eyes and I clear my throat, jumping off from the table, "U-Uh..Yeah! It tastes good.." 

He chuckles and leans against the cabinets, his eyes showing amusement in my awkwardness, "You have a little red paint of your cheeks.."

My hands come in contact with my cheeks as soon as the sentence leaves my eyes. Obviously; leaving no residue, which meant he was playi-

Oh. He was talking about my furious blush that had been painted on my cheeks for the last two minutes. I narrow my eyes at him, snatching the plate from the table.

"Nice try Damien."

After the "weird" moment Damien and I had in the kitchen, I headed to the beach with my food spotting Amelia and Erin, soaking in the morning sun.

I sit in between them and they look up at me with a smirk on their lips, "What?"

"Hey! Where'd you get that food from?!" Nathan narrows his eyes as Alec chuckles at me and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Uh..Damien made it for me?" They all snatch a piece of bacon leaving only the waffles and eggs left on my plate.

"Didn't Damien say that he was the worst cook ever?" Erin ponders. After a second their eyes all meet with mine mischievously.

"Uh...You guys are really creepy," I slowly chew on the piece of waffle with them still staring creepily.

"Maybe he just makes food for special people," Amelia winks at me and I roll my eyes, containing my blush.

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