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I wake up bright early in the morning with a smile on my face. I was really excited to start my first day at my office! I woke up and had a warm shower and cooked some of my famous waffles before proceeding to tie my hair into a neat-

If you thought that actually happened, obviously you don't know the Isla Accardo I know.


I woke up from my stupid alarm with a groan. I physically roll out of bed to the shower which wasn't as hot as I hoped. I was second guessing my decision of becoming Damien's assistant. I had to deal with disgusting sounds and him making sexual jokes. I wear cuffed denim jeans with a rose gold collar top and a black cardigan. I decided to go with Erin for once and wear the black chunky pumps I only wore to my mom and dad's anniversary last year.

Erin straightening my hair yesterday was no use as it was already tangled than Beyonce's weave. I tried really. I decided to just try to comb it out and place a decent bun on my head. I grab my clutch before going to my kitchen where I made myself a coffee. That was basically the only thing I made in my kitchen except for tea. I couldn't cook if I tried, to be honest.

My door bell rings and I groggily walk towards it before opening the door. Erin looked up at me with a bright smile on her face and invites herself in. I close the door following behind Erin. She freezes suddenly and slowly turns around.

"What are you wearing?" She screeches.

I raise an eyebrow at her, "Clothes?" I state which mostly came out as a question.

"We are certainly changing your outfit!" Erin says before grabbing my arm and dragging me to my bedroom.

She fishes through all of my clothes ending up with a pile of tops, dresses and jeans on my floor. She finds a black pencil skirt and she tells me to wear it along with my collar top. I wear it on with it landing mid thigh riding upwards every three seconds. Erin nods approvingly and throws me a blazer.

"Don't put your arms through the sleeves! We're going for a Kim Kardashian style," She tells me with too many gestures. I roll my eyes as she applies a layer of nude lipstick on my lips before stepping back and examining my look, "Wayy better," She comments before throwing me my bag, "Let's go before we're late!" She says quickly as we step out of my door.

I think we already are.

When are arrive at the main admin we see Damien flirting with the girl at the front desk. Erin sighs dreamily while I just scowl. Damien turns his head towards us and stands up straight before smirking.

If he wasn't as egotistical as he is, I would've thought he was pretty attractive.

Sadly, not everyone is as a nice as me these days...

"Hey Avacado," Damien waves to me and I narrow my eyes at him.

"My name's Isla," I grit.

"Yeah but your last name is Accardo and it kinda sounds like Avacado," He shrugs. I take a deep breath. I grab Damien's hand and throw a look at Erin to tell her to stay there.

We enter into the storage room where I kick the door closed and shove Damien towards the door, "If you really wanted to kiss me you could've just-"

"I didn't come here to kiss you, idiot," I scold at him, "I came here to tell you something."

Damien squints his eyes at me as if he's trying to register the fact I rejected his offer to kiss him, "Okay.."

"First, if I'm going to be your assistant I expect lunch and breakfast to be at my desk every day at eight in the morning," I state and Damien nods, "Secondly, DO NOT ask me to do stupid chores for you," I glare at Damien as he pouts.

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