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edited on 31 july 2021

High school was a fever dream for me

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High school was a fever dream for me. I remember wisps and had an overall essence of what happened although I had blocked out that part of my life, it felt like deja vu. High school reminded me of popularity and popularity reminded me of Adrian. And Adrian reminded me of...insecurity and grief.

So I couldn't help but frown as Erin squealed her news to me.

"A senior reunion," I concur dryly. I hear her crackled sigh across the line, adjusting my phone to fit more fries into my mouth.

"Why aren't you holding the same level of excitement as me?"

I shrug, despite her not seeing me. High school wasn't enticing anymore and honestly, it should left in the past. Erin had an infatuation with social events though, no wonder she was the class' social butterfly when we were in school. I hear her sigh once more, my stomach flipping.

"Don't start guilt-tripping me now," I mumble, my cheeks puffing up with good. Erin giggles, almost imagining her eyes widening incredulously.

"I'm not," she defends, "But would you really leave your friend high and dry?"

I quirk an eyebrow, my hand pausing over my fries, "Or we could both stay home-"

"Not an option," she says abruptly, "Come on Isla. Live a little."

"I can 'live a little' at home, in warmth and good food surrounding me."


I groan, sinking into my plush sofa. Talking to Erin right now sounded like a mother scolding her child for eating too many lollies. At this point, arguing as a lost cause. I hated the idea of Erin going alone so she knew she already sold her point.

"I don't have a dress," I point out.

"Well good thing I'm already on my way to your apartment," sure enough, I could hear the revving of an engine in the background on her side.

My phone vibrates signalling another call was coming through. I contain my groan, "Hey, I'll see you when you get here," Erin murmurs her goodbyes but not before yelling at me to be ready before she arrives.


"Have you thought about it?"

The chips in my mouth nearly fall out at the sound of the sensual, masculine voice. Reading my whole lifestory to me in the back of an alley was one thing, but finding my phone number, was another.

"How did you get my number?" I hiss into the phone, hearing his rumble of laughter in response.

"You know, your parents are so eager for you to find a boyfriend they single handedly gave me your number when I asked."

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