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"How was it?" Erin and Amelia enter into my office, Amelia holding a cappuccino in her hand. I rest my chin in my hands exhaling a giant breath. I l give Amelia a grateful smile accepting the carton in her hand, taking a sip.

"Ugh, I don't even want to talk about it," I groan, banging my head against my table.

I had gotten no sleep at all, just thinking about everything that had happened last night. I swear I stayed up until four and woke up two hours later to start my day. Erin rubs my back soothingly while Amelia just smirks.

"Damien told me everything," Amelia says unexpectedly. I raise an eyebrow at her, "Yup. Every single detail. Even the part where you stood up for him," Erin gasps and I bang my head against my desk once again.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear it," I cover my face with my arms, not wanting them to see me blush. They'd probably think I liked Damien or something.


"You stood up for Damien in front of his step-dad?! Geez, that takes some real guts," Erin shakes her head, "And this just proves our point further."

"Oh shut up with the liking bullshit already. I'm sick of life," I mumble finally lifting my head from the table, "The plan totally backfired. Now they know that we aren't together. Thank the lord we didn't tell me whole world before that.." I rub the back of my neck.

"You must've had a stressful night," Amelia chuckles. The door creaks open and in steps Damien. Erin and Amelia share a wink before walking out of the room, not forgetting to close the door.

Like the room wasn't tight enough with the door opened.

"Hey, Isla.."Damien says softly and I nod my head acknowledging his presence. There was an awkward tension settling in the room, from what had happened yesterday.

I stand up from my chair and walk closer to him so we could have a civil conversation, "About yesterday.." We both say in unison. I chuckle rubbing the back of my neck.

"You go first," I say hiding my hands behind my back. Damien shoves his hands inside his Nike sweatpants and takes a deep breath.

"I just want to say thank you...Thank you for backing me up and roasting the shit outta my.."

"David?" I finish off his sentence and he nods stiffly, "It's fine..he deserved it and I don't regret anything I did. Though, our plan did totally fail," I laugh, facepalming.

Damien lets out a genuine chuckle, "Yup. We are never doing that again. Though you did look kinda hot get all mad and flustered," Damien leans against the wall struggling not to plaster that stupid grin across his face.

I blush slightly at his comment and turn around, "Shut up. You'll never see me mad again,"  Damien's eyes follow me as I move around my room to my desk where I take a seat, "Nor will I ever meet your parents again."

"Trust me, my mom has this weird obsession with you and wants to meet you again," He rolls his eyes slightly gagging at the thought.

"She is a sweetheart. I would love to meet her again," Damien glares at me and I grin, spinning around in my chair.

"Shut up. You aren't meeting her again," Damien's phone vibrates in his hand and he looks down groaning to a text message, "I'll talk to you later Isla, have to do a stupid photo shoot," He runs a hand through his hair, sending me a smile.

And then his phone vibrates again, "And I think you're tagging along with me as well..Apparently, it's some love photo-"

"A what photoshoot?!" My eyes shoot up towards Damien and snickers.

The Womanizer (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now