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I throw a dress in the heap of clothes piling next to me. I groan in dismay before hitting my head against my bed.

"How long does it take to find a fricking dress!?" I exclaim throwing all my dresses back in the closet.

"About two hours if your Isla," I turn my head to see Erin and Amelia enter my room. Amelia's holding a dress while Erin is holding a pair of shoes.

"Fancy seeing Y'all here," I chuckle, hoisting myself up from the floor to the edge of my bed.

"You too. Heard you were stuck in your bedroom having trouble of what dress to pick," Amelia chuckles setting the dress on the bed.

I furrow my eyebrows as I give her a slow nod, "Yeah...Who told you that?"

Erin laughs obnoxiously and pats my head, "Your dear lover did. He said something about parents..angry..Yeah, I don't really listen to anything Damien says," she shrugs laying herself on my bed.

Amelia and I roll our eyes in sync, "Right."

"And you know, since we are your own personal Guardian Angels we brought a simple but sexy dress," Erin winks at my cheeks flush red.

"Since we all know you want to impress-"
I grab the dress and shoes and cough loudly, "I'm trying this on," Erin and Amelia wear matching smirks making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

I hurry out of the room and enter the bathroom remembering to lock it so they can't tease me any further about Damien and me.

As I'm changing into the dress, I can't help but think about the moment Damien and I shared a few hours ago.

He was one hell of a kisser.

I tentatively touch my lips, remembering the way our lips moulded together. After that, I didn't know where we stood. I definitely was going to talk about it to him after dinner tonight.

I smooth the dress down, my eyes staring at myself into the mirror. It was a beautiful dress, I can admit.

It had spaghetti straps with a low cut, living somewhat cleavage. The material was silky with and the navy dress was tight against my figure, leaving a slit on one side of my thighs.

I quickly do my make up and slip on the black velvet pumps before exiting the bathroom.

"Okay with the amount of time you spent in the damn bathroom I really thought you were having another make out with Damien," Amelia folds her arms with a small grin.

I roll my eyes, "It takes time to look-HEY! How do you know-"

"I stole my brother's phone and bribed him into telling me what happened. Don't worry I didn't make him go into too much detail because that would just be awkward," Amelia shudders in disgust and I snort.

"'t you guys going to burst in my face about all these stupid questions?" I raise an eyebrow and Erin gasps

"Okay, first of all, when do we ever ask stupid questions?"

My eyes divert to their irritated faces in the mirror as I'm curling my hair, "Uhm, all the time?"

"Fuck you."

"Oh, I'm so glad you both love me so much!" I grin at the both of them, winking.

It was currently seven in the evening meaning most of the employees at the building were gone. Being in the foyer where it was merely empty was weird. Especially when I didn't have to feel anyone's harsh gazes.

I knew that if I was having dinner by myself with my parents they wouldn't care what I dressed but if Damien was tagging along then I definitely had to dress formally. Plus, I didn't want to look casual whereas Damien looked like a live Greek God.

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