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My eyes flutter open as I feel a body shift beneath me. I yawn loudly, rubbing my eyes as the sunlight streams through the tilted window blinds. I look towards Damien to see him still sleeping peacefully, arms tightly held around me.

With the urge for a hot shower I try and peel my body away from him but his arms just seemed to grip tighter onto my waist. I narrow my eyes at him as he peaks an eye open, looking down at me through his lashes.

"Seriously?" I mumbled, sitting up on his lower torso. He chuckles and loosens his grasp and ruffles his hair through his fingers. I shift my body lower as my fingers graze against the ink near his V-line.

"Wanted to touch that for a while?" Damien asks huskily, his voice laced with sleepiness. I roll my eyes at him and throw him a smirk.

"I only noticed it in Florida. What does it mean?" I murmur, flickering my eyes to Damien's pink lips. He closes his eyes momentarily, slowly biting his lip. With the action, I fight the urge to kiss the hell outta him.

Why does he have to be so irresistible?!

The small link around his V-line created a simplistic paper plane which left me with more questions in my mind.

"I got it when I was drunk a while ago but I'm sure it'll mean something later,"

Though, his answer only left me with more questions drifting through my mind.

He brushes his lips against mine but I slap his face away and pull my body off of his, "I need to brush my teeth and take a shower," I grin at him and he juts his bottom lip before I disappear into the bathroom.

After the relaxing hot shower, I reemerge into the room and throw on Damien's spare white t-shirt with his boxer shorts. My phone vibrates while Damien takes a shower and my eyebrows furrow wondering why Amelia was sending me a text message at 9 AM where she was known to sleep in for three hours more.

MyCrazyPhyscoGirlfriend: Please tell me you remembered what tomorrow was.

Me: Uh...Friday?


I bite my lip glancing at the door, begging for Damien to take more time in the shower. I sigh, running a hand through my messy bun before texting back.

Me: Shit...I didn't know a week would go so fast from when you told me...Do you know what we're gonna do?

MyCrazyPhyscoGirlfriend: I thought that was your job.

Me: UHM, you're his sister what do you mean?! Ugh, whatever. I'll talk to when I get back.

MyCrazyPhyscoGirlfriend: Sure, YOU BETTER HAVE AN IDEA

I groan quietly, resting my head in the palm of my hands. Damien appears from the bathroom, his hair dropping beads of water down his muscular stomach. He throws me a curious glance and I feign a grin.

"Uh, are you alright Isla?" His eyes roam around my face questioningly and I nod.

"Yeah, totally! We should probably get going now, Amelia's getting needy," I chuckle nervously, ignoring his gaze. He gives me one last curious gaze before dropping the subject and shrugging.


I grab my clothes from yesterday and slide my feet into my fluffy slides before making a beeline for the exit.

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