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"You know, I missed this so much," Erin comments, laying down on Erin's leg as she stuffed popcorn into her mouth. Amelia rolls her eyes at her disturbing eating but doesn't push her off her leg regardless.

I chuckle, tearing my eyes from the chick-lit movie playing and to Erin, "Did you miss us or the food?"

She pauses before shrugging, "It's a tie," Erin scoffs, slapping her head which emits no reaction from Erin, "You know food is very hard to beat. Nathan just somewhat passes by the line by a small decimal."

Amelia throws Erin an unbelieving look which she smiles at before throwing popcorn up at Amelia's faces. She sighs and glances over at me, "No wonder you didn't want to see her," I grin largely before we all decide to pay attention to the movie.

After the confrontation at my family restaurant two weeks ago, I had decided to officially not let him control my thoughts. Amelia had forced me to get out of my apartment, and I met up with Alec, Nathan and Erin who I all truly missed. I didn't miss the tension between Amelia and Alec but I decided not to comment on it knowing Alec would most likely throw something back in my face regarding Damien.

Speaking of whom, we hadn't seen each other since which I was internally grateful for. It had almost been a month of us not speaking and it was honestly unusual but almost like I was back in my old life but only with new people involved. I still had the resignation letter I had to write looming over my head but I wasn't at the point where I could freely confront him without backing out.

It was currently New Year's Eve and I had been lounging with Amelia and Erin up until noon. We hadn't exactly planned anything to do tonight and I didn't exactly want to, knowing that I was still going to be hoarded with questions from the public. It had died down on my behalf, Damien's face still regularly appearing on Hollywood news programs, but I tried to not let it phase me. Plus, the reasons he was on tv screens wasn't for our breakup usually, so it let me think about other things rather than him.

Alec, Nathan, Amelia and Erin decided not to question anything when we did meet up together and attempted to occupy my mind on other topics. I knew that they still had several questions for me but decided against asking me. I tried to forget about him over the past two weeks which had been difficult at the beginning but had turned out successful. He no longer acquired my thoughts and I felt like I could have a proper conversation without thinking back to him or that dreadful night. Sure, there still might have been nights where I would fall asleep thinking about him and how much I missed him but I knew I would soon get over him.

Amelia snatches the remote control and lowers the volume of the television. She pushes Erin's head off of her lap and Erin grudgingly sits up before Amelia turns to us with a smirk on her lips, "So...There's a New Year's Party!"

I groan under my breath and Erin lets out a squeal, "Who's hosting?"

Amelia blushes furiously as she glances down, "I...Uh...Alec invited us so..." Erin wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at me and I let out a loose laugh. 

I sober up quickly as Amelia gives me a look, "But we don't have to go if you don't want to."

It finally dawned on me why I realised why Amelia said that. Of course, Alec was his bestfriend so he would be there as well, suggesting that we could bump into each other at any chance. But then again, I knew this party would be huge and the likelihood of bumping into him would be quite rare. 

I shake my head, "It's okay. I know how much I've been keeping you two in so we can go out," I pause, taking a deep breath, "Let's just hope I don't bump into him."

"Bump into who?" Erin asks innocently. I narrow my eyes and stiffly turn to the television, pulling the remote out of Amelia's grip to increase the volume.

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