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I had been woken up at 3 am in the morning but Amelia's shrill voice. It was two days after Erin had announced we were going to Florida and I was still dreading it. The thought of even having more time with Damien was kinda weird because I have seen him enough in this big building to be seeing him every day in a holiday house with only six people.

I had gotten ready in about thirty minutes and was waiting for Amelia and Erin to stop yapping on about how amazing the one week trip would be. If I had a choice; I would not go at all. Damien wouldn't be that much of a problem as I started to think about it more. Amelia and Erin would be though.

Amelia and Erin were always constantly making up weird innuendos about Damien and I and the jokes would only get more severe when we were in Florida. 

Erin and Amelia step out of my bathroom with their make up and hair done. I didn't really know why they needed to put on makeup when it was probably going to get ruined as there were probably going to sleep and smudge their winged eyeliner or whatever the heck it was called. But I wasn't one to question their actions.

"I am so excited!" Erin gushed excitedly, "Florida is amazing! And the beach house will be even greater!" Erin stuffs her makeup bag inside her large duffel bag and slings it over her shoulder.

"The beach house isn't that great, But the beaches and the scenery is! I'm sure everyone will enjoy themselves," Amelia gives me a pointed look and I roll my eyes ignorantly before slinging my Adidas duffel bag on my shoulder. I stuff my phone in my pocket and let out a breath of air.

"Are you guys ready or do you have to do another round of winged eyeliner?" I raise my eyebrows with a smile playing on my lips. Amelia gives me the finger before walking out the door with Erin trailing behind. I chuckle and follow behind them, not forgetting to lock my door, "I'll take that as a no."

When we are out of the building, our eyes set upon a travel van. It had a silver grey exterior but I knew that not even Erin would want to ride in that. So obviously the interior would be some deluxe type of thing. 

Nathan, Damien, and Alec were all talking to each other as they leaned against the van. I was already wanting to turn back and I hadn't even stepped foot into the van. Erin runs up to Nathan and swings her arms around him, hugging him tightly. 

Amelia gave Alec a smile and starts talking to him. Which only left; Damien and me.

Which also meant that I was going to kill Erin and Amelia later in the trip.

"You don't look so happy about the trip.." Damien raises his eyebrows at me. I look up at him with a nonchalant expression, "May I ask why?" I narrow my eyes at him and turn around to walk inside the caravan.

I hear his faint chuckle before he walks away. I turn on the lights to the caravan and my eyes fall onto the interior design of it. Most of it was made of brown timber. There was a small loveseat with a table in front of it and a small TV sitting hanging above the loveseat. There were cabinets surrounding the walls of the van and deeper inside was a kitchen. There was a door on the other side of the travel van which I'm assuming was the beds. 

Pretty sure the trip was going to be the only exciting and intriguing part of the trip.

I lay down on the loveseat couch, my legs hanging off the edge as my head was propped up against a pillow. I look down at my phone skimming through my weird Explore page on Instagram. I only had around two minutes of pure heaven before the five devils came inside the travel van.

And my peace was over.

Alec shoe hits my leg as he attempts to jump over it to get in the driver's seat. I wince in pain and tuck my feet under my butt for precaution, not really wanting to get hit again. The chair in front of me squeaks as someone sits down. I lift my head up from my phone.

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