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A/N please don't kill me

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A/N please don't kill me. *strong language in this chapter*

The loud ringing alarm, jolts me awake from my deep slumber, a tired groan releasing from my lips. My eyes flicker to Damien's resting figure and quietly unwrap his arms around my body. He shuffles around in the bed before pulling me back into his chest.

"A few more minutes," he mumbles lowly, pulling his leg over mine. I roll my eyes, attempting to push his leg off of me.

"You know, as someone who owns a multi-millionaire company; you sure don't act like one. Especially when today is the day our the whole recent two weeks of our lives have revolved around," I state matter-of-factly and Damien chuckles in response.

He releases his hold on me and rolls on his back as I turn to face him. He yawns, his muscles rippling from the action, "I just want this day to be over already," he mumbles tiredly, flipping onto his chest.

"The day can't be over before it even started," I retort, rolling out of bed and throwing on an oversized t-shirt. I turn around and see Damien's eyes lazily tracing down my figure and I throw a pillow at his face earning a deep chuckle from him.

"Yesterday night was something," he murmurs, climbing out of bed with his boxers hanging dangerously low on his hips. I push my eyes up to his eyes, my face heating up.

"Mhm," I reply, tucking my hair behind my ear. I turn around to grab my phone and Damien presses his body against mine.

"Up for it again?" he whispers huskily, pushing my shirt upwards as his fingers graze on my thigh. I catch his hand and push it into his chest.

"You need to go back to your apartment," I say throwing him his shirt and pants before pushing him into the bathroom, "Now, change," before he could utter a word I close the door on him and he sighs loudly.

Damien and I coincidentally arrived at the same time, meeting at the large glass doors of the building. I turn to him, trying to ignore the flashing cameras beyond the large gates.

"Hey, it's just some cameras," he murmurs, rubbing my arms.

I exhale deeply, nodding, "I know that, but they're just so fucki-"

Damien grabs me by the waist and crashes his lips onto mine. I freeze in surprise before melting into his body and responding with the same amount of intensity. The sound of cameras flashing fades from hearing as I grip onto Damien's shirt tightly as his teeth nip at my lip. We pull apart breathlessly and I loosen my hold on his shirt. 

"What was that for?" I ask, trying to catch my breath.

He winks at me as I straighten his tie, "Just thought like putting a show for them before tonight."

I let out a nervous laugh, "Well you sure did,"

He pouts at me as he looks down at his shirt, "You crinkled my shirt, Avocado," I narrow my eyes and he kisses my cheek before we walk inside, "Don't think I'll stop with the name because I never will."

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