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Another day of work.

Meaning another day of this same routine I continue




I'll wake up at my apartment or here, take a shower then get dressed. I'll probably get a Starbucks coffee and head to the building. THEN, once I get to the building I will collect Damien's coffee and give it to him before staying inside my small comfy office for the rest of the whole day unless Damien or Erin decides to annoy the crap outta me.

So yah..Right now I am in the stage of just staying inside my office for the rest of the day. To be honest, it is quite boring just staying here and I'd rather go back to my dad's restaurant. The only good thing is that I have enough time to stalk people's accounts of Instagram and create my own Starbucks coffee for the next day.

I was too busy stalking through this random girl's Instagram account to even notice the door opening and someone walking into my office. 

"What are you doing..?" I slam my laptop screen down and turn around to face a very curious looking Damien. I give him a lopsided awkward smile as my face turns red.

"Uh, nothing..!" I cover my face with my hair trying to hide my blushing face. Damien raises an eyebrow at me and I mimic his actions, "I'm serious...What would you think I'd be doing?"

"Hm..I don't know. Maybe stalking my ex's Instagram page," My eyes widen and I cough before turning around.

Maybe that's why she came up on my recommended..

"Yeah...Well, that assumption is wrong.." I scratch the back of my neck obviously knowing that I was doing exactly that. But he really didn't need to know that or this situation would've gotten a whole lot worse.

Damien sits on the chair facing me and leans back eyeing me suspiciously. I fidget under his scrutinising gaze and he chuckles before shaking his head, "You totally were."

"I was not!" I argue back and he smirks as I narrow my eyes back at him, "If you don't believe then...You don't!

All he does is rolls his eyes at my response and goes back to talking, "Anyways..The actual purpose of me coming here was to tell you something important," Damien says and I give him a questioning look, "Ew no, I'm not going to ask you out."

"I wasn't.." I roll my eyes in disgust and Damien winks, "Ew no."

"Mhm sure."

"Can you just tell me?!" I exclaim in annoyance. 

"Patience..Now I just wanted to tell you there is some evening party event, that's it." I stare blankly at Damien and he shrugs, "What? Were you expecting me to ask you out on a date AND pay for the food?"

"I wouldn't expect you to do neither of those things seeing how much of a dick you are," I smile sweetly at Damien before sipping on my Starbucks.

"You're really mean.."

"Yeah whatever now go away," I deadpan and Damien shakes his head before leaving.

I breathe a sigh relief as the door closes before resuming back to me stalking. But before I can actually go fully in depth my phone vibrates from a text.

the piece of annoying shit: Have fun stalking my ex. ;)


"Okay, so you have a party or whatever..right?" Erin asks me as she searches through the closet.

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