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My eyes glance across the boardroom table to meet his mousy brown eyes filled with amusement. As board members begin to file out of the room Damien saunters towards me, hands in his tailored slacks pockets. As the last person leaves, closing the door behind them, Damien lets out a bark of laughter.

I scowl at him as he gives me a lopsided grin, my hands slapping his chest harmlessly, "What's wrong Ms Accardo?" He mocks, holding my wrists, staring down at me.

I glower at him, snatching my hands aware from his grip, "What is wrong with you?! Were you trying to humiliate me?" I fold my arms and he steps towards me with an egotistical smile.

"Sorry Ms Accardo, I'm afraid I don't know-"

"Oh, cut with the bullshit," I scold which only makes him smile wider, "When was touching my thighs in a board meeting allowed in the contract?" I narrow my eyes, separating the small distance between us.

He chuckles, pulling me into his chest by my waist. Damien's eyes darkened, a small smile playing on his lips, "When was anything we did permitted in the contract?"

My mouth opens and closes like a gaping fish before settling in a thin line as my cheeks redden, "Good point," I mutter, before pulling his face down closer to mine, "When's your next meeting?"

Damien's smile slips from his lips as his hold loosens on my waist, "I'm sorry Isla...I have one in five minutes, I'll take you out tonight," he promises, holding my gaze as his fingers slipping through mine.

A frown forms on my lips. That's what you said yesterday. 

His eyes search my face, his fingers tilting my head up to meet his concerned eyes, "What's up Isla?"

I ignore his gaze, placing a smile on my face, "I'm fine! I'll see you tonight, just go to your meeting. Don't want the head of the business to the be late," I kiss his cheek swiftly, grabbing the stack of papers and walking out. A deep breath escapes my lips once I had reached my office.

It had been around three months since the night Damien had asked me to be his girlfriend. For the first month, it was chaotic. The media was all over it and it made me reconsider if being dating him was the right decision. The second month Damien had calmed down my insecurities as the media settled on another story. My attraction and feelings for him started to deepen that month as we spent more time getting to know one another both physically and emotionally. It was now leading to the end of the third month. This month had been on and off. For the past two weeks, Damien had been packed with modelling shows, runways, shoots and many board meetings like the one's today. Although most of the time I was there with him, it took away the time we spent together.

As I leaned against my oak wooden table, my insecurities started to develop again.

Was this even worth it?

Of course, I wanted Damien and it seemed as if it was vice versa, but I felt as if my insecurities were weighing down the relationship and soon enough something was bound to spill. But for now, I'd keep my mouth shut, savouring the taste of a relaxing relationship.

Just as I was about to get started with sending emails, the door swings open, in rushing Amelia with a stack of folders in her hands. I lift my head from my laptop with a raised eyebrow. She drops the folders on my desk, sprawling the manila folders across the vicinity of my desk.

"Thanks for the unwelcomed visit," I tease playfully, her eyes rolling in response.

"There's no time for pleasantries," She states quickly before pushing my laptop away to place a random file in front of me, "The Pierce's are holding their annual Christmas party in three months if you hadn't noticed, and it has to be big as this is their ten year anniversary," She explains, her arms extended in random directions.

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