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"Don't get out of the car," I instructed Damien and my hand gripped the door handle, "I swear if you do I will burn off your balls and feed the ashes to you," I threaten him.

A small smile reaches his lips and he chuckles, "Yeah, yeah. Like you have the guts to do that anyway."

I roll my eyes before mumbling, "Try me," I open the door a little bit to see if there were any paparazzi out there. I sigh in relief when I see no one but the occasional people walking by, "Wish me luck," I say to Damien before exiting out the door.

I run inside as quickly as possible before noticing a few gazes and murmurs. I throw a group of gossip girls this finger which all makes them gasp in unison. I roll my eyes before heading to the back knowing that my mom would be there.

A hand grabs my wrist quite violently and drags me into the storage room with a hand covered on my mouth. The door slams shut and the light turns on to see the kidnapper.

"Mom!?" My eyes widen as she glares at me, "You could've at least not acted like a serial killer!"

"Stop over reacting Isla. Now, what is with you and that boy Damon!?" She folds her arms with a raised eyebrow and I snort.

"Before I answer that question..His name is Damien mom. Not Damon. Day-Me-M," My mom just stands there waiting for me to answer her questions, "Okay...Well..Damien kissed me-"

"He did?!" A grin spreads across her face before she quickly wipes it off, "Oh okay.."

My eyes furrow in confusion feeling that the situation was a bit fishy here.

"Are you hiding-"

"Continue!" She interrupts my sentence and I nod slowly.

"Okay then..And then.." Then I thought. Was I meant to tell my mom about this whole plan.. It wouldn't hurt if I did. I could literally trust her with anything, "And we thought of this plan scheme thingy since Damien's dad wanted him to find a girlfriend he pretended I was his girlfriend."

"Wait..So you're his girlfriend?" A smile stretches onto my mom's face and I nod wondering why she was so happy about this while I was dreading this whole experience, "Well..that's good news!"

"Why is it-" Before I could finish off my sentence once again, my mom shoves me out of the room and closes the door behind her.

"You can leave now Isla. I'll see you soon," She kisses my forehead and gives me a wink as she walks away. I was utterly confused about the conversation we had.

She had mixed emotions that I still couldn't comprehend in my brain. I shake my head before walking out of the restaurant...TOTALLY for getting about one thing.


"ISLA ACCARDO!" I turn to my left to see a group of people with cameras hanging around their necks.

"Oh shit!" I run to the other side of the road and jump into the black Mercedes a quickly as I could. I shut the door and look out the window to see a haul of paparazzi running in the car's parking spot.

"Should I start driving?" Damien asks without a care in the world. I give him a widened eye look.

"Of course you should start driving you, idiot!" He chuckles before reversing out the parking bay and hitting the accelerator.

I let out a gasp of air as I fling my body towards my comfy bed. I was still catching my breath from that exhilarating ride that nearly killed me. Damien had no care that I could've died but just continued to laugh at me as my face had gone pale.

The Womanizer (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now