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My love for him is like all the way to the stars. If I met him I would literally cry. HE IS SO CUTE!!

Way better than Grayson ;)

"And that's it..?"


"So he basically just laughed his ass off and then left you there with a wet patch showing your bra?"

Amelia and I give Erin a look and shrugs with a grin, "What..That's basically what happened." I roll my eyes before throwing my head back to my pillow.

"Wow..That must of been really awkward," Amelia says bluntly after a minute of silence.

I give her a glare and fold my arms against my chest, "You guys are just the best at comforting people. I am never going to go to you two when I am crying."

"Oh don't worry," Amelia says with a smirk, "Damien will be there to comfort you," Amelia and Erin both burst into uncontrollable laughter at the joke. I roll my eyes before standing up and walking to the door.

"Wait, don't tell me you are actually going to Damien-"

"No Erin I am not! In fact, I'm actually going to the boy you guys dream of sleeping in your bed," I smile sweetly at them as their mouths drop to the floor. Before they can come and join me, I shut the door.

I walk down the corridor trying to find Alec while also trying to ignore Damien. You see, if I bumped into Damien this very moment, that would be the most awkward situation-

"Ooof!" I walk into a hard toned chest before falling to the floor with my eyes closed.

It was either Alec, Damien or any other hot body guy in this building. My eyes were still closed, and I really did not want to open them as it could be Damien.

That would've been the worst.

I open one of my eyes and see the familiar smirking face staring down at me. I groan in dismay as it was the one and only..

"You could at least be a little happy to see me," Damien's voice rings in my ears.

I roll my eyes before getting up and nearly choking on air as I stare at Damien's naked chest. His shorts were hanging dangerously low on his hips showing his V line and sweat was dripping from his hair down to his very defined six pack.

My mouth felt dry as I coughed awkwardly trying to divert my eyes elsewhere. Damien had a smug smirk plastered on his lips knowing for sure that he was making me uncomfortable but continued to stand there anyway.

"S-So..are you going to move or..?" I bite my lip as I try not to look at Damien's face or his hot chest. But it seemed to be hard as I could feel his gaze on me. I turn to give him a quick look and I find him staring at my lips.

Like that isn't creepy at alll.

"You know what..I'm just going to go find Alec.." I walk past Damien but his warm hand wraps around my wrist. I feel shock travel through my veins nearly yanking my wrist back in the process.

"Wait...Why are you going to Alec?" Damien stares piercingly into my eyes his hand still wrapped around my wrist. I shift my feet awkwardly still feeling uncomfortable in the situation I was in.

No one was walking down the corridors making Damien and pay more intense attention to me. It was not a good feeling. Not when you staring dreamily into his chocolate brown eyes with the light stubble covering his sharp jawline and-

"Are you listening..?" I shake my head my eyes wide as I notice Damien's face was only inches away from my own. I licked my lips and pushed him away slightly.

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