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"Now I have you all to myself," I murmur, straddling him on his chair. Damien raises a suggestive eyebrow as my arms wrap loosely around his neck.

"Oh really?" He mutters, lowering his gaze to my lips. I hum in agreement, pressing loose kisses along his jaw before capturing his bottom lip softly, emitting a groan from the back of his throat, "What are you doing to me Isla?" He rasps, glancing at me through his lashes.

Frankly, I had no idea.

Before I could utter a response, his hands were in my hair as his lips were pressed softly to mine. With my heart beating erratically, I pulled him closer as our lips moved in unison. Damien's hands grasped my waist as our tongues moulded together slowly. It was slow and gentle as we were taking our time, igniting one another's bodies. Damien's tongue grazes my bottom lip as his thumb brushes my inner thigh. 

"Damien," His name escapes my lips in a low moan, feeling his lips smile against mine. With his hands moving more further up and his teeth nipping at my neck, I knew if we didn't stop this would probably end up as the night in his apartment, "Damien," I say breathlessly. He hums absentmindedly, his eyes hooded with desire, "You might want to stop," I pant, pushing his body further from mine. 

His hand pinches the skin in my inner thigh, my bottom lip rolling into my mouth, "Are you sure?" He murmurs.

"Yes, I'm-"

"Hey, Alec said I'd find you here - Oh!" My head whips around to, the coffee in her hand dropping to the ground. The colour in my face drains.

I push myself off Damien's lap as he coughs awkwardly, "Uh..Mum," He runs a hand through his hair, "Nice to see you?" He winces.


My eyes were wandering everywhere but to meet Katherine's. By far, this had been the awkwardest situation I'd been in, beating that night where Damien kissed me on that runway. Even with the current situation of his mum walking in on us doing...that, I still couldn't shake away the feeling of her being a cheater.

We were currently sitting in a corner booth of the cafe, away from the prying eyes of the public and paparazzi leaning outside the main doors. Katherine had sat across from Damien and me, engaging in a quiet conversation with him. My cheeks were still flushed with embarrassment and anger towards Katherine, deciding not to participate in the conversation. 

Damien's hand grasped my knee under the table in reassurance as he gave me a small smile in which I returned. My eyes passed by the curious eyes of Katherine probably from my withdrawal of conversing with her which I had no problem with those few nights ago. 

Damien tight hold on my knee brings me back to reality, seeing this awaiting eyes of Katherine and Damien on me, "Uh what, sorry?" I mutter, pushing strands of hair behind my ear.

"I asked if you were okay darling, you seemed a little withdrawn," Katherine asked with curious and concerning eyes. Before I could hold it in, a scoff escaped my mouth. Katherine look taken back from the action and Damien let out a low sigh.

"Isla, don't say anything," he murmured low enough so only I could hear.

Ignoring his comment, and pushing off his hand from my knee I asked, "Do you know the affect cheating has on others?" 

It was like the whole world had gone silent once the words had left my lips.

Katherine's mouth was left agape as Damien had his head in his hands, jaw taut.

"W-What..I-I mean...H-How do you..."

"Being a cheater shows a lot about your character," I continue, narrowing my eyes. Her face was pale, eyes widened, "What you did was selfish. And Damien might've forgiven you, but not the whole world is forgiving as he is-"

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