Chapter One

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Short brown hair, brown mouse ears, gold eyes, and a slim brown tail. Yep. That's me. My name is Annabelle Petaltail. I'm a human living in a giant world. Or if you prefer, a borrower in a human world. I'm sixteen, and living alone within a high school. My parents were kidnapped by a giant three years ago, and I never saw them again. The giants came out of the blue one night before I was born. They built cities there size, demolishing ours. Except a select few, who accept borrowers as equals. Sadly, I'm not living in one of those cities. Within the high school my parents raised me within is an empty classroom. It hasn't a been used for years, and I grew up in it. I wasn't allowed to travel with my parents when they went to steal food from the giant teenagers, or possibly what they managed to take from the cooking class. I broke the rules when they didn't come home, and I watched them get captured from afar. By who, I didn't see. It was a man, that's all I know.
The school year is noisy, and kids occasionally tried to sneak into the classroom to smoke their drugs or make out, but often get caught. They put a new lock on the door, and no more kids entered. Nobody did. I ventured through the school all night, barely able to get enough food for myself. Then, I live in boredom all day.
Currently I am sleeping on top of the dusty counter, on top of a scrap of fabric I managed to get for a blanket. It's the first day of school for the teenagers, so they're all busy. I can sleep through their loud noises, so I continue to nap on the counter. Until my ear twitches, and realize something.

Somebody is in the classroom.

"With a bit of cleaning, this room will be good enough." Said a young male voice. I stared directly at the intruders. There was two of them. One was a young man with blonde hair, red eyes, and seemed extra official. The other was a bald man with tattoos from his shiny head to his bare arms. He seemed less official. But he also seemed older than the blonde man.

"Remind me again why this old classroom needs to suddenly be cleaned." Said the tattoo man, clearly not approving the idea.

"We are getting a new teacher, Roderick. You know the class is required now, and we have no other spare rooms." Said the official looking man. I was too busy focusing on him to realize the tattoo guy was staring at me.

"What the hell is that?" He said. He pointed at me. His silver eyes seemed hungry as soon as he realized what I was.

"It's a borrower girl, Roderick. Even you must know what a girl looks like."

"Of course I know what a damn girl looks like, Nathan." So the young one was named Nathan? That's good to know. As I thought about it, a hand grabbed me. I screamed and saw that I was hanging over a large mouth.

"Roderick! Stop! You cannot just eat her, she's lost!" Nathan snapped. He grabbed me from Roderick's hand. I yelped as he did, being that it hurt me a bit. He looked at me startled. "Oh jeez, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." He said quickly as he loosened his grip.

"Don't say sorry to a filthy borrower." Roderick said heartlessly. "She is nothing but a slave or food."

"Roderick, that is cruel. She's just a girl." Nathan said.

"I don't care whether she's a guy, girl or a fucking pigeon!" Roderick snapped. "What do you plan on doing with her if you won't let me have her?"

"I want to enroll her into this school." Nathan replied. I looked up at him in disbelief.

"Y-you do?" I stuttered. I always wanted to be in school. I would sometimes go and sneak watch a class, but since I could never ask questions, I'd get lost a lot. But now this man was saying he'd enroll me in school? I'm shocked.

"Yes. It will be good for both you and the students." Nathan said.

"B-but they'll hurt me!" I blurted out.

"No, not unless they want to be expelled." He told me.

"You are a disgrace to the giant race, Nathan." Roderick hissed. Nathan looked over at him with a glare, and set me down. He quickly grabbed Roderick by the shirt with both hands and pinned against the wall. His eyes seemed to glow as well.

"The only disgrace is you, Roderick. If you so much as try to grab a borrower on my watch, I will personally make sure you get something cut off of you. Do you understand me?" He hissed. I let my mouth drop wide open as I watched him. Roderick swallowed nervously.

"Y-yes, sir." He stuttered. Nathan let him drop, making me let out a squeak. Roderick quickly left the room, and Nathan's eyes stopped glowing. He turned towards me.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Roderick seems to think he is tough. However a little scare puts any man in his place. I will never do that to a student or borrowers though." He said, adjusting his tie. He put his hand down for me to step onto. "Now, let's go get you enrolled, yeah?" I nodded. Despite the fact that this man just scared them shit out of me, he was trustworthy. And I also really wanted to be in school. Soon I was in his office.
Hours past slowly in there, a good part of them involving questions about me and figuring out my uniform size. I'll be starting in two days, which is when my uniform will arrive. He was so interested in me, saying how he's never seen a borrower that wasn't afraid of him. Then a question came up.

"Where do you live?" He asked. I shuffled my feet, having my tail wrap around my leg.

"The classroom..." I said, cheeks burning. He widened his eyes.

"You slept in that classroom!" He said in disbelief.

"Yeah..." He frowned a little.

"We're going to be using that classroom this year, and I don't think it'll be a good spot for you to live in." He said. He seemed to have gotten an idea. "You could live with me, that way you don't have to scavenge for food anymore." I tensed up.

" don't know..." I said nervously. He looked at me with a soft smile.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." He said. "You'll be safer with me."

"O-okay." I looked into his red eyes, which seemed to light up when I agreed. He smiled happily.

"Great! We'll go after I'm done today." He told me. "Until then, it's going to be a bit boring."

"I'm used to boredom." I joked nervously. He chuckled then began to do some paperwork. Meanwhile I felt a spark of joy and spark of fear about the beginning of my somewhat new life.

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