Chapter Three

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           "Annabelle?" Nathan's voice said. I had fallen asleep during his history lesson.

"Huh?..." I said tiredly. He smirked.

"I guess it's time for sleep, huh?" I yawned and curled more into a ball.

"Nah...I'm fine." I lied. He picked me up and carried me to a folded up shirt that was on his nightstand. He set me down and used another shirt to tuck me in. They had his scent on them, but nothing that was bad. My sense of scent is weird like that.

"Goodnight, Annabelle." He said with kind smile before laying into his own bed. He shut the lamp off, and I shut my eyes.
         I opened my eyes to darkness in the night. I could hear the soft breathing coming from Nathan's bed. I sat up and pushed the shirt blanket off of me. Then I walked around on his nightstand. The moonlight shined in from a window, letting me see my way. I had tripped over something and managed to catch myself. Immediately after falling the bright screen of Nathan's smartphone lit up. It blinded me only for a second. I pondered whether it was locked or not as I pressed down on the screen. It opened without needing a password. There was so many apps on his phone, but of course I pressed the one where his photos were. Before I could see any of them I was picked up by the back of my shirt.

"What are you doing with my phone, Annabelle?" Nathan asked groggily. He shut the phone back off and set it down.

"N-nothing." I said nervously. "I couldn't sleep." He turned on his light and rubbed his eyes.

"Well now I'm awake too." He said with sigh.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up..." I said nervously.

"It's okay, Annabelle. Don't worry about it. You're probably just nervous about the new surrounding." He said with a yawn. He looked at the time. "It's only midnight and tomorrow is Saturday so I have no worry on sleep."

"Saturday?" I asked.

"You don't know the days of the week?" He asked incredulously.

"No, I do know them. I just stopped keeping track of them. I honestly thought it was Monday." I said embarrassingly.

"Heh, well now you know." He joked. "I know something that may help you sleep. A nice snack." He said while getting up carefully. Thankfully he wore a t-shirt and pajama bottoms to bed.

"What kind of snack?" I asked.

"How about some cookies? I've got a sweet tooth, you know. I have a feeling you do too." He said with a wink.

"Cookies in the middle of the night?" I asked.

"Yep. Is that a problem?" He asked back. I shook my head.


"I thought so." He chuckled as he went down the stairs. He went into the kitchen and pulled out an open box that said Oreos on the top. He took out a few cookies and set them onto a plate. Then he got a coffee cup, filled it with milk and put it into the microwave. Once he took it out and set it down he went to look for something. After searching many drawers and cabinets he found a straw and set it into the cup. He then made makeshift stairs with small books he had. Then finally he sat down.

"Go ahead. Help yourself." He said with a smile. I sniffed the cookies before breaking off the dark brown top and taking some of the filling with my hand. I nibbled on them both before combining them with a bite. I widened my eyes with the sweet flavor of the new food. "I'm guessing you like it?" Nathan asked. I nodded.

"It's delicious!" I exclaimed while taking a handful of the filling and eating it.

"You should dip the cookie part into the milk. Tastes even better." He suggested. I tilted my head but still took his advice. I loved it just as much, but I preferred the cookie alone. After eating my fill on the one cookie, I drank a bit of the warm milk. Then I stepped back for Nathan to have his share. I made a small burp, which I tried to cover up but failed.

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