Chapter Seventeen

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When morning arrived Nathan's alarm woke me up as well as his movement. I put on my school uniform and brushed my hair. It was odd to feel my hair just fall down and not be a mess. Seeing myself in the mirror hurt less than it did before. It was just...odd. Something I wasn't used to.
After changing and preparing for the day, I left my house. Nathan was clipping on a tie when I saw him.

"I thought you actually did your ties?" I said this startling him a bit. He laughed and put his hands up.

"You caught me. I take the lazy way out." He joked. "I think we should pick up breakfast along the way. That sound okay with you?" He asked while looking in the mirror above his dresser and somewhat straightening his hair.

"Sounds good." I told him as I made sure that I looked presentable. Not like many would notice but it felt nice.

"Given that Victor is not here, the borrower training teacher has advised that you stay close to him during the class." He said as I climbed onto his shoulder. "You'll be staying on his desk during his class until Victor is back."

"Fun." I said sarcastically.

"Very fun." Nathan responded with the same amount of sarcasm. "You know I wouldn't put you in that class if it wasn't required."

"Yeah..." I gripped his shirt collar as he got into his car. He set me on the passenger side and awkwardly found a way to put the seatbelt on me. It was tight but it made me feel comfortable. Nathan's eyes focused on the road as I tried to imagine what the day would be like this time without Victor. It was as if it was my first day again.

"Something on your mind?" He asked. He must've noticed me staring into space.

"Nothing. Just nervous." I told him. He shook his head with a sigh.

"There is nothing to be nervous about. You've gone through your first day, you'll make it through this one. Nobody bothered you the first day, not really at least and everyone finds you interesting and intriguing." He told me calmly as he watched the road.

"Probably because I'm a borrower." I said with my arms crossed.

"Well I'm not going to lie. It's rare for any of them to meet a borrower in different circumstances besides a pet or..." He trailed off. I knew he meant food. I didn't want to think of how many of my classmates have salivating mouths when they see me. "The point is, you're new to them so yes being a borrower plays into it. However you're also a very intelligent and interesting girl, Annabelle."

"I doubt it." I told him.

"I can't make you think otherwise, Annabelle." He said with a humored sigh. His car slowed down. "I've stopped by a fast food drive thru." He undid my seatbelt and helped me up to his window. I picked what I wanted to eat and he picked his meal. Then he took the order. He helped me back into my seat and within a few minutes the food arrived. To my surprise, my food was my size and in a bag my size.

"How'd they know?" I asked. He found my surprised look amusing.

"They saw you from the little camera the drive-thru menu has. Borrowers work at places like this as well, usually so they can have a comfortable home. They work for housing and food usually." He answered as he carefully unwrapped his breakfast sandwich. He had parked somewhere to eat. I unwrapped a breakfast burrito and bit into it. There was egg, bacon, cheese, and other delicious things combine inside the tortilla.

"This is really good." I said after swallowing the rather large bite I took. Nathan put his hand on his chest with a faux hurt look.

"Better than my cooking?" He asked in a joking hurt tone.

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