Chapter Four

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I watched with interest as Nathan drove along the road with eyes glued on the road. He came to a park which seemed humongous to me.

"We're here." He said as he parked his car.

"Are you sure I should go into a place this big?" I asked.

"As long as you're with me, nobody will hurt you." Nathan said while adjusting his shirt and hair. "Trust me, everyone will either want to talk to you or ignore you entirely." I laughed awkwardly.

"That helps." I joked. He chuckled as he set he hand down like usual. I climbed on clumsily and sat down while he carefully lifted me up and got out of the car. He set me onto his shoulder where I held onto his shirt collar. I was amazed by everything around me. All the laughs and the birds, I was used to noisy hallways and lectures. Nathan seemed to be feeling blissfully enjoying the view as well. The air was gently blowing against me as looked around amazed. A boy with bright red hair was throwing a frisbee to one of two other boys. One boy had green hair, the other blue.

"Hey, Victor." Nathan said with a smirk. The boy stopped and looked over. He had blue eyes that looked directly at me.

"Hey, Mr.Kris." He said as he walked over. Now I know Nathan's last name. "Who's that?" He asked referring to me.

"This is Annabelle, she'll be joining your grade soon." Nathan answered.

"But she's a borrower." The boy named Victor replied. I couldn't tell whether he meant to be rude about it but I felt a little bad from the tone of his voice. As if he didn't like borrowers. Nathan studied Victor's face and then spoke.

"Well Victor, everyone deserves an education. Do you not agree?" He asked. Victor raised his hands defensively.

"I meant no offense sir. I agree with you." He said. I didn't believe him.

"Well that's good. I hope you two get along." Nathan replied. "I'll see you in school, Vic." He walked away after that.

"Do you...Do you think the people will accept me?" I asked.

"Of course they will. I see no reason why they shouldn't." He said while he dodged a person riding a bike. He sat onto a bench and sighed. "You'll do just fine, Annabelle. Don't worry so much."

"But I don't know the things a normal high schooler does! What if they think I'm stupid!" I exclaimed. Nathan lifted me up and held me in his two hands. He looked at me with a sincere look.

"If you don't know things, don't feel scared to ask. Nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything, Annabelle." He said. "I believe you will do great in school, Annabelle. You're a bright girl." I smiled shyly with my ears down.

"Thanks." I looked at my feet. Then I looked up at the blue sky that had an occasional white cloud in it. It was mesmerizing to me because I've never seen the sky like this. Just through a window. "It's so beautiful..." I said mainly to myself.

"What?" Nathan asked. I didn't think he could here me.

"Oh! You heard me. Heh. I was talking about the sky. I've never seen it it like this. I've never been outside either." I told him. "It's beautiful." He smiled and looked up.

"Yeah. It is pretty beautiful most days." He then thought for a moment and stood up. He walked over to a clear spot on a hill and laid down with a content sigh, setting me on to his torso. "You know what people do sometimes? They just look at he clouds and try to see things in them. Just how that one looks like a fish in a way." He pointed to a fluffy cloud. I laid onto his chest with my hands behind my back. I looked at the cloud and noticed how it had a fish like shape. I looked around and noticed one shaped like a boat in a way.

"That one looks like a boat." I said out loud. He looked at it as he rested his hands on his stomach.

"True. It does look like one." He then looked around. "That one over there looks like ice cream. Makes me want some ice cream too, but when you're an adult you have to watch what you eat otherwise you'll get fat like the cloud over there." He chuckled and I laughed.

"I wish my parents could have done this with me." I said as my smile faded. I noticed how Nathan took a deep breath when I said that, given that it made me go higher than his usual breathing. He didn't answer or respond to my comment which was odd. I just watched the clouds in the silence. Nathan spoke finally.

"We should leave. I've got somewhere else I want to take you." He said. I sat up and stretched.

"Where?" I asked.

"You'll see." He told me. I tilted my head as he lifted me up so he could stand. Next thing I knew he was carrying me on his shoulder back to his car and driving to another place. I don't know where he's taking me now, I was happy with just visiting the park. However I trusted he wouldn't take me somewhere terrible so I just looked forward to where we'd go next on this little adventure.

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