Chapter Sixteen

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              Nathan had woke up after about an hour of sleep. He rubbed his eyes which were rather dim red and as he woke up the red in his eyes seemed to get brighter and almost glow more. He just sat there for a bit, making me feel quite awkward in the silence. He had fallen asleep very heavily and barely moved in his sleep so I'd imagine he was waking up. His bright. blonde hair still seemed to be in an organized mess.
             After regaining himself he looked at me and smirked.

"Using up my battery power, huh?" He joked. I realized that his battery was beginning to be less than fifty percent.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to use it up-"

"I'm just teasing you, Annabelle. It's fine. There's such a thing as a charger." He reached down and picked up a cord. He plugged it into the phone and the charging symbol was easily seen. "You can relax here Annabelle. This is still your home." I saw that my little borrower house was still plugged into the wall and sitting on his dresser. It was only one floor with a bedroom, bathroom, and a living room area. My bed was comfortable however I guess the company Nathan provides helps me sleep. When you spend years alone I guess that'll happen.

"You tease me too much." I said with a fake pout. Nathan laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll ease up on it." He sighed. "It's around dinner time so I'm going to go cook. I suggest using the time to change clothes or bathe. It'll help you feel better." He suggested. There was working water inside the borrower house and the thought of a nice bath was very welcomed to me.

"Sounds like a good idea." I said. He nodded and got up from his bed. He helped me get to the dresser where I entered the little house and went into the bathroom. The house itself was square but only the bedroom and living room area had a removable roof. After getting the water ready and getting in, I scrubbed myself clean and washed my matted hair. I had realized my hair had never been brushed properly. I was able to use a piece of broken class to cut it short before Nathan found me but it was ratted and tangled which only made it hard to wash. Washing only made the tangles worse. As soon as I was clean and dried off I put a casual blue t-shirt and some jean shorts on. When I left the house Nathan was sitting at the desk that was near the dresser, working on a laptop. He looked up once probably just to look around then looked again as he noticed I had left the house.

"Christ, your hair." He said as he noticed the large knot of hair. I looked at my feet and blushed.

"I was never able to brush it." There was a brush inside the bathroom but it only did so much. He sighed, left, and came back with a bottle of conditioner as well as a comb. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to brush your hair out, Annabelle." He said. I stiffened up thinking of the pain.

"But that's going to hurt!"

"Annabelle you can't have your hair like that. It's either this or getting it shaved off." He sounded like a parent scolding a child. And I acted liked a child and ran back into my house. I heard his sigh and soon the house was opened from the top and I was picked up. He was still gentle but this time he was also firm so I would not fall from struggling.

"This is going to hurt, Nathan! Put me down!" I said loudly.

"Annabelle would you rather have your hair shaved off?" He said sternly. I refused to look at him. He was right. I would never be able to fix the tangles myself. When I finally shook my head he let me down onto his desk. He went back to my little house and picked up a chair from it. "Have a seat. It'll help both of us if you do." He told me. I didn't argue and sat in the chair. It was  a red living room chair with a back that was shorter than mine. It was probably known as a doll-sized chair to giants.
            Nathan gently applied conditioner to my hair, making me feel like a doll almost. He then used the comb to carefully begin detangling my hair. For the most part it was shockingly okay with some painful yanks to which he apologized for. The yanking was necessary and couldn't be avoided. After a moderate amount of time my hair was no longer a giant tangled mess. I could actually run my fingers through it for once. Nathan got up and got a wet paper towel to which he rinsed my hair off with. He dried it as well and let me brush it out.

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