Chapter Ten

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I hid behind my climbing wall while holding my breath. I heard the stranger's footsteps as I pressed my back against the wall. With a yelp I was lifted up by the rope that I was attached to. I screamed at the top of my lungs until I heard a familiar laugh.

"Did I scare the little mouse?" Victor asked with a smirk. I let out an irritated groan.

"Yes you did scare me, Victor!" I snapped. He laughed and lowered me back to the table thus letting me regain my balance.

"Aww, poor baby." He cooed. My ears went back.

"Jerk!" I snapped. He simply laughed and looked at my little gym.

"Looks like Ms.Snow spoiled you with this, huh?" He said as he examined the faux running track.

"She's definitely nice." I said as I calmed down from Victor's rude entrance. I then realized he did not have the cage. "Hey, where are the others?" I asked abruptly.

"Don't worry. Mr.Zae is looking after them for me." He said reassuringly. "Now, how about you come with me and skip this class?"

"No. I told Ms.Snow I'd stay active." I told him sternly. "Plus she'd have a panic attack losing her smallest student."

"Don't worry. I'll let her know we're leaving. She likes me so there shouldn't be a problem." He said with a sly grin. It seemed that he was proud that teachers liked him even though he put on a fake smile for them half the time.

"You're going to make me leave aren't you?" I asked unimpressed. He smirked.

"Of course, little mouse." He picked me up and set me on his shoulder. Then he approached Ms.Snow. "Mind if I take Annabelle with me? I promise to keep her safe." Ms.Snow hesitated.

"Hmm. Alright." She got a playful smirk. "But you have to give me fifteen sit-ups first." Victor sighed with a laugh.

"Fair enough. Mind holding Annabelle?" He said. Ms.Snow gently took me into her hand as we watched Victor begin to do sit-ups. The first five he did were smooth, the next five seemed to be less easy, and he seemed to struggle with the last five sit-ups. Ms.Snow laughed as Victor stood up, out of breath.

"Good job, Vic!" She said perkily.

"Oof. Thanks." He said as I climbed onto his hand from Ms.Snow's shoulder. "See ya." He said before leaving the gym.

"Nice job on the sit-ups." I said both sincerely and teasingly. Victor scoffed with a smirk.

"Yeah whatever, mouse." He said. "My buddies and I are going to leave school early and see a movie together. Thought you'd enjoy seeing a movie."

"That does sound fun." I admitted. "What about the boy and man?"

"I'll try and get the boy to come with and see if the man is awake. If the boy refuses I'll leave him at him in the cage. Same with the man if he still asleep or doesn't want to go."

"We're stopping by your house?" I asked.

"Yep. Hector and Jack are meeting me at the theatre." He answered as he picked up the cage with the boy and man, snuck out a back door, and walked home. When he got inside his house and up the stairs I saw his slightly messy room. The color scheme was mainly brown and warm. He set the cage onto the desk and we realized the man was waking up. His black hair had a bit of dried blood and his green eyes showed panic when they opened fully. He made a small sound of fear and backed away from Victor, who was bent over looking at him. The boy, however, was annoyed still.

"Do you have to be so close?" He asked rudely. Victor rolled his eyes and sighed. He looked at the man.

"I won't hurt you, dude. My friend is an idiot for what he did." He said calmly. The man still was frightened. He didn't seem too old, maybe late twenties. "Look, I'm going to movies. I'd like to take you with so you could watch with me. To do so you'd have to trust me enough to come along." He said gently. He opened the cage door and placed his hand down. The man, although hesitant, climbed onto his hand. The boy scoffed.

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