Chapter Six

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              School had arrived quickly and I wasn't ready. As I stared at myself in the mirror with my school uniform on, I kept feeling nervous and scared. A small tap on the roof of my house caused me to jump.

"You okay, Annabelle?" Nathan asked. I sucked in a breath and spoke.

"Yeah. Just nervous." I came out of the house. He smiled softly.

"It's normal to be nervous." He flattened his hand down and I climbed on, fixing my skirt as I sat down.

"I just don't know if people will like me." I said nervously. He pat my head.

"Why wouldn't they? You're a great person." He set me on his shoulder and we left.  Along the way Nathan picked up some food for breakfast. It was greasy though but I loved it. We went into Nathan's office before he walked me to English. My future classmates stared at me with wide eyes.

"Good morning everyone. Meet Annabelle, your new classmate." Nathan said with a smile as he set me onto the desk. "If you any of you kill, eat, or cause harm to her you will be charged with the same things as you would with anyone else. Treat her the same way you would with you classmates now. " I saw the boy we saw st the park, Victor, get a rather odd smirk when he looked at me. His cherry red hair styled in a way. A girl with fire red hair and brown eyes raised her hand.

"Are you sure you want her to attend here, sir?" She asked. I could tell she didn't mean to be rude, that she was just curious.

"I can't see why I shouldn't, Lillie." Nathan said calmly.

"Well I hope she likes it it here then." Lillie said cheerfully. Nathan seemed pleased by the politeness the class had.

"She can sit on my desk if she'd like, sir." Victor said. I felt uncertain of him. Nathan however seems to be fine.

"That's very nice of you, Victor." He said. "Would you like that, Annabelle?"

"U-uh, sure?" I said nervously. He carried me over to Victor's desk and set me down.

"What's your schedule?" Victor asked. Nathan unfolded my schedule and set it down. Victor read it and smiled. "We have the same classes up until sixth period. I can take you to them." He said. Nathan smiled.

"See, Annabelle? You've already made a friend today." He said. He looked at his watch and sighed. "I'll see you sixth period, I have to get to a meeting." He said as he tapped my head with a smile. Then he laugh. The teacher came up to me. He was an Asian-American man with black hair, a brown hat, and brown eyes. His tan skin had a few wrinkles showing he was about middle aged.

"Hello, Annabelle." He said with a kind smile. "My name is Mr.Sani. Pleasure to meet you." He put out his pinky, seeming to acknowledge my size. I shook his pinky with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too." I said with a smile. He nodded and went back up to the front of the class. He then began to explain today's lesson. I listened up until Victor poked my back. I then saw three boys instead of one. I saw the blue haired boy and the green haired one. All three looking at me.

"So little midget, how did you manage to get into this school?" The green haired one asked.

"Shut up, Jack." Victor snapped. "This little pet got in because of Nathan." He said with a smirk. I looked at him shocked by his sudden change in attitude. "Well, am I wrong?" He asked. I looked at my feet.

"No you're right..." I said in defeat. He pat my head.

"That's right, little mouse." He laughed softly as he began to pat my head with his pointer finger. His blue haired friend laughed.

"Hey Victor, you think she likes cheese?" They joked. Victory didn't look as he punched their side.

"Hector, your jokes are terrible." He said as he smiled casually at me. Hector laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. I began to wonder whether I could trust Victor. I began to listen to Mr.Sani once again only to be lifted up by Victor. He seemed amused at how helpless I was inside his grasp.

"Put me down!" I yelled but not loudly. He smirked.

"Ask nicely." Victor said. I groaned.

"Please put me down." I said. He smiled and dropped my. I hit the desk with an "oomph" noise.

"You're welcome." He said smugly. He would continue to tease me throughout the lesson. Until Mr.Sani put books down. He set his hand down.

"I think it would be best if you read on my desk, Annabelle." He said. "You might be able to focus better there." He raised his eyebrow at Victor. Victor snickered and shrugged. I stepped onto the teacher's hand and he carried me to his desk carefully. He set me down and sat into his chair, opened the book, and held it up. He leaned his head down and spoke in a quiet tone.

"Nathan let me know that your reading skills may not be as experienced as the others due to the years of school you don't have." He said in a understanding tone. "I didn't want to make it obvious to the class so that's why I brought you up here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask." I blushed. It was true, I couldn't read as well as the others. I knew the basics but not as much as I should.

"Thank you, sir." I said sheepishly. He opened to the first page and I began to read out loud to him. To my classmates my voice was more likely just a small sound. When I couldn't pronounce something he taught me to say it. Soon the class ended and the bell rang. Lillie had came up to me before Victor.

"Annabelle!" She said excitedly and loudly. I winced as she yelled. She covered her mouth with a shocked look. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell." She said in a lower voice. "I was just wondering if you'd like me to walk you to class instead of Victor. He has the same classes as me so I can take you to your classes."

"Sure." I said, relieved I wouldn't have to go with Victor. He seemed to see me as less than a person.

"Cool." She grabbed my waist making me yelp. She then quickly put me down and panicked. "I'm so sorry! Where are my manners? I'm new at this." She said quickly with red cheeks.

"It's okay." I told her as she set her hand down. I climbed on and she carefully lifted me up. Her hand shook slightly no doubt from nervousness. We walked to my next class next and I could see Victor glaring towards either me or Lillie. I have a bad feeling about him.

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