Chapter Two

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Throughout the day I paced on Nathan's desk, watching him quietly do his work. He had a bit of calm music playing off of his computer which helped calm me a bit. As I kept pacing back and forth, I heard Nathan chuckle.

"You'd think someone your size would be tired out by now." He joked as he looked at me. I laughed nervously.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous I guess." I said shyly.

"About what?" He asked.

"You know, all of this. Most borrowers fear giants, and most giants give borrowers reason to fear them." I said.

"You have nothing to worry about, Annabelle, I promise."

"You shouldn't make promises that you cannot keep." I fiddled with my tail as he looked at me confused.

"What?" He asked.

"You know you can't promise safety when I start school." I said without looking up at his red eyes.

"Well, you are somewhat correct on that." He said, causing me to look up at him. "I can't promise that you will always be safe during the school day. All I can tell you is that these students are good kids, and the teachers are good people. I'm sure nothing bad will happen."

"I hope so..." I said quietly. He gently pat my back with his finger.

"Hey, cheer up. You're going to be fine." He said. He looked at his watch. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. I cannot wait to see your home."

"It's our home, Annabelle. You're living there too." Nathan said with a kind smile.

"But it really isn't my house. I'm no family to you."

"Hey, don't say that. You are family now."

"Thank you..." I said nervously. He flattened his hand onto the desk for me to step onto. I carefully stepped onto it and sat down. He lifted his hand and walked out of his office, out the main doors, and into the parking lot. Then into his car.
He set me onto the gigantic seat and carefully put the seatbelt over me.

"Have to be safe." He said with a chuckle as I clearly looked hilarious to him. Then he drove, and along the way he spoke about the class schedule I had gotten assigned.

1st period - English
2nd period - US History
3rd period - applied math
4th period - Chemistry
5th period - study hall
6th period - undecided
7th period - undecided

"What do you mean by undecided?" I asked. He seemed to grip the steering wheel.

"Well there will be a class that I am required to have you go in...But that will come later." He answered. "And the other one is still being decided on whether you can work in that class or not."

"...oh." I didn't know what else to say. Eventually I fell asleep in the car.

         When I woke up, I was on top of a pillow. Nathan was laying me, book open as he read. I sat up and stretched my arms and tail. He didn't seem to notice I was awake so I began to climb his shirt, which got his attention. I must have tickled him because he laughed and picked me up.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he smiled at me.

"Nothing." I said while making a fake innocent look.

"Oh really? Climbing my shirt is doing nothing?" He ruffled my hair. "Let me guess, you're hungry now that you've taken a nap?"

"...Maybe." I said while my cheeks burned and my stomach growled. Nathan lifted me to his shoulder and stood up.

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