Chapter Five

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I peeked out of Nathan's pocket as he walked through a mall. He walked past a window and as he did my eyes widen. There were people like me in cages. They were sad, crying, screaming, the whole scene was disturbing. Nathan picked me up and put me on his shoulder that was the farthest from the store.

"Be happy you didn't come from one of those." He said as he looked ahead and away from the horrible sight. I gripped his shirt collar.

"Would you ever send me to one of those?" I asked.

"Oh, Annabelle." He shook his head. "I would never sell you like you are an object."

"You promise?" I asked. He lifted his pinkie, which was bigger than my fist.

"I pinky swear." He smiled as he looked at me. I placed my hand on his pinky and laughed. Someone slammed into him at that moment, making me scream as I fell off his shoulder and into a hand. It was not Nathan's either. "Hey man, watch where you're going!" I heard him snap. The stranger closed their hand around me as I hyperventilated.

"Whoops." I heard a man's voice say. He then hurried away. Not long after I heard Nathan yell something towardss the stranger who's sweaty hand trapped me. I felt sick as the person ran, shaking me in their hand. Next thing I knew his hand opened and as I was falling to the ground, the man had been slammed into a wall. It was as if the world slowed down. Nathan had this intensely vicious look as his eyes flowed red and his fists gripped onto the man's shirt while pinning him to the wall. When my body hit the ground, I cried out in pain as everything had been impacted. People ignored me and walked past as if I didn't exist, their giant shoes nearly crushing me. When Nathan realized I was on the floor he dropped the stranger and rushed to pick me up.

"Annabelle!" He exclaimed as he picked me up. The stranger was just about to get up when Nathan's eyes glowed furiously and he kicked their side. "I swear I will unman you with a gun you if you try to harm her again." He nearly growled. The stranger didn't say much just scrambled to his feet and ran while my vision blurred. Nathan held my as gently and carefully as he could so he wouldn't cause more pain. He rushed to a medicinal looking store, handed them money and received a small red syringe. I knew what it was but I was used to one my size.

"No..." I said weakly. He looked at me pitifully.

"You know I need to do this." He said as he held the needled syringe. "It'll hurt only for a minute."

"Please don't..." I begged in a faint voice. He flipped me onto my stomach and stuck the needle in the middle of my back. He had to lift my shirt just high enough and I could tell he felt just as uncomfortable. I screamed in pain as the sharp needle stuck into me. I cried as he removed the needle immediately after pressing it into my skin. He fixed my shirt and held me against his shoulder as I cried from the sharp pain in my back.

"I'm sorry, Annabele." He said quietly as he sat onto a bench that was also against the wall. I cried into his shoulder as he used his gently pat my back with his middle finger. "You're going to feel better soon. Trust me." He said calmly. As I cried I noticed the pain fading away. In fact all the pain I felt had vanished. He injected a healing serum into me to keep me from possibly dying from the fall. He saved me life.

"T-thank you..." I said in a shaky voice.

"Don't thank me." He said simply. I sniffled as the image of him looking like the vision of a giant I was taught to see growing up.

"Y-you are s-scary when you're mad like this." I told him. He didn't say anything. He just lifted me up and carried me in his palm the rest of the way. He walked into a store where there was shelves full of things my size. They didn't appear to be doll things either, the detail on them could only be done by someone my size. There was both giants and humans working and shopping here. Nathan set me onto a shelf that had multiple clothes my size.

"Whoa..." I said in amazement as I looked at all the clothes. He smiled.

"Go ahead and pick some clothes." He said. "I'm going to look around for some things, I'll check on you in a bit." I nodded before he left. I then began to pick clothes that caught my eye. There was a small cardboard box with "changing room" written on it with a little curtain. I tried on clothes and by the time I was done Nathan had returned with a bag.

"Did you find some things you like?" He asked. I nodded.

"I did." I awkwardly pointed out the large pile I had made. "Maybe too much things." He chuckled.

"Lucky for you borrower clothes aren't that expensive." He said as he placed the bag into one of the small boxes that were stacked next to the changing room.

"Thank you." I said sheepishly.

"No problem, Annabelle." He said with a shrug. He then lifted me up and set me on his shoulder. He went to the check out and I saw he had gotten a borrower house. It's a house that's my size with a cord connect to it that would be plugged into an outlet in a giant's house where their power and water would be shared with it.

"You got a house!" I exclaimed. He smiled.

"It's a little pricey but I figured it's better than having to sleep on my shirt." He said as he handed the cashier money.

"You didn't have to do that." I said awkwardly. "I've slept on a counter for years."

"All the more reason for you to sleep in a proper bed." He said with a smirk as I gave up arguing. He pat my head and walked out of the store. "How about we visit the movies now?" He said with a smile. My ears perked up.

"Okay!" I said excitedly. He chuckled at my childish excitement and left the mall. He drove for awhile and walked into a movie theater. Next thing I knew I was sitting on his shoulder staring at the giant screen with a piece of chocolate in my hands. It was a simple animated movie but I loved it anyway. When the movie was finished we went back home where he set up my new little house. It was one floor with a bedroom, bathroom, and living room. It didn't need to be all that special. The inside was perfect to me as I ran my hand across the blanket of my bed. I put away all my clothes into the white dresser within the room and left the little house. Nathan had changed into some more casual clothes, a simple t-shirt and pants.

"So do you like it?" He asked. I nodded.

"It's perfect."

"Well I'm glad you like it." He looked at the time. It had turned to night sooner than it felt. The day went by really fast. "I should make some dinner." He said as he sighed. "How does mouse sound?" He laughed as my eyes widened. "I'm joking, Annabelle." He said amused by my shock.

"You're mean!" I exclaimed like a child. I crossed my arms and looked away from him.

"If I make something you want will you forgive me?" He asked with a smirk. I smirked back.

"I want pasta again." I told him. He laughed.

"Alright that's easy enough." He picked me up and then we went to the kitchen. I watched as he cooked pasta and heated up a simple red sauce. After we ate and he gave his lesson of the day, he put me down in front of my little house and we both went to sleep.

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