Chapter Twenty

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                    Nathan and I ended up staying on the couch that night, waking up to his alarm set on his phone. I perked my head up along with my mouse ears, remembering what today would be like. I immediately hopped onto my feet.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" I said excitedly. He groaned as he turned of the repeating alarm.

"I am up, Annabelle." He mumbled as he lifted me off of him and sat up, setting me onto the coffee table.

"Come on, you gotta get ready for school!" I said excitedly. He rubbed his eyes as he spoke.

"Let me wake up, will you? Jeez." He stood up and stretched. "We have plenty of time before we need to leave, and rushing me will not make time go faster too." He gave me the parental look he always had. I pouted my lips and crossed my arms.

"Okay okay." I finally said.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked as he let out a sigh. I thought for a moment.

"How about just cereal?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me." We then went to the kitchen, had a bowl of cereal each, and before I knew it we were at school and I was sitting in my first hour, anxiously watching the clock . Each class passed by slowly but eventually lunchtime came around and I stood on Nathan's desk nibbling on my sandwich.

"We'll leave after lunch ends, I already excused you from your class." He said as he typed away.

"But I don't want to go to class at all!" I whined. He gave me a stern look and that was that. I attended my classes for the day with Victor. I had excitedly told him all about how I was finally going to search for my parents. He seemed equally as excited and wanted to join, but I had to tell him no. One giant was more than enough to find my parents without scaring them off.

Before I knew it lunchtime had came around and Nathan had picked me up from my last class.

"So how do you suppose we do this?" He was as equally as unsure as I was. "We can't just dig around the grass and hope we find them."

"Well...I know you won't be as willing for this but I think it would be best if I went alone in the grass and you pretended to just not see me. Stay around so there's no danger but don't make it obvious." I could see him hesitate before answering.

"I...Very well, Annabelle. Just promise to be safe this time? I cannot guarantee I will keep too much distance away from you. I'll give you an hour to look using your plan okay?" He said as he opened the doors to the outside. We immediately spotted the flowers from the picture I had seen before. Nathan set me down onto the ground. "Be safe, Annabelle. I mean it. Scream if you are in danger. I will be coming to look if I get a bad feeling so please-"

"Be careful I know. I will I promise." I assured him. He half smiled and nodded his head before stepping back and letting me make my way. It wasn't a short run but I did eventually arrive between the stems of the flowers. I don't know what I was expecting but as I got further and deeper into the flower patch I began to lose more and more hope. No signs or anyone or anything. Maybe I had missed them? Maybe they moved? Maybe-

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when someone snatched be behind a large rock.

"Are you crazy! Why would you lead your human owner near this sanctuary!" A stranger hissed. I was immediately pushed back into the dirt and was now looking up at a borrower dressed in petals and grass clothing. It was almost straight out of a fairy tale. Except in this one the borrower has a spear pointed at me. "Tell me your name!" They demanded. It was hard to tell whether they were a girl or a boy as they wore a walnut helmet. If I wasn't being threatened I would laugh.

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