Chapter Eighteen

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                             After enjoying our greasy meals, Jack took us back to the school where I went to my next class since we were late. Jack apologized to Nathan for making me late and apologized to the teacher that hated me. He didn't have the same class and I was sad to seem him go since this was the class where I felt hated the most. The teacher did not pay a friendly smile or anything friendly for the matter.

"Is anyone going to take this rat?" She snapped as she held me in the air. She rolled her eyes when no one offered. The class seemed almost reluctant to look up. Up close she looked so pleasant. Her black hair was long and past her shoulders giving a pleasant soft look but her brown eyes showed me nothing warm. She dropped me onto her desk where I tumbled. She scoffed when I looked back up at her. "You're such a pathetic little thing." She pushed me with finger as soon as I stood up which made me fall back. My lip quivered as I felt myself start to cry.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I said in a shaky voice. She looked away from her laptop and at me.

"Speak up." She said impatiently.

"Why do you hate me!" I spat out as tears fell down my cheeks.

"You're a rodent and I hate rodents. Nathan should have poisoned you when he had the chance. Instead he got all soft and treated you like you were equal." She said coldly. Her words cut deep for me as I started sobbing. "Stop your damn crying!" She snapped.

"I-I can't help it!" I tried to stop but the tears kept going. The teacher, who's name I never even got to know, grabbed me tightly and stormed out of the room. She shut the door of the classroom and dropped me to the ground and this time it only caused a little pain. She towered over me, angered by my whole presence.

"You are such an insignificant thing! You should know who your superiors are and how to listen to them!" She snapped. "Didn't your parents ever teach you that before Nathan put them in their places?" I broke down into a large sobbing fest. She knew the rumors and she chose to use it against me. I wanted my mom and dad. I wanted to see them and hug them. They'd take me away from this. The teacher who seemed to hate me with a passion kicked me across the floor making me slide down the hall. She went back to her room and slammed the door. I stood up and brushed myself off. The hallways was so much bigger to me than it would be to any of the giants. I began walking away from the classroom and tried to find a place to just hide. I just wanted to hide. As if everything that happened wasn't enough, a giant boy decided that now was a good time to chase me for fun. I ran away and found a locker with the bottom bent open enough for me to get through. The boy who I did not know kept taunting me. He said I would be a quick snack and wouldn't feel any pain. The locker itself was locked thankfully. I heard a familiar voice snap at the kid and shoo him away. Then I heard keys, the lock open, and then saw the door open. Roderick looked down at me and I didn't even feel fear.

"Go ahead." I said in defeat with a sniffle.

"What?" He bent down. "What are you talking about?"

"Everyone wants to kill me here. That teacher told me I'm insignificant and should have died already." I pointed to the devil teachers room. "I know you do too. So go ahead. I can't keep running." I winced but prepared myself as Roderick picked me up. He didn't even speak, just placed me into the pocket of his shirt. I couldn't see where we were going only hear the surroundings. He had asked Jasmine where Nathan was and she told him that he had a meeting. A few minutes later Roderick pulled me out of his pocket. He was in the teacher's lounge sitting at the table. He didn't speak as he set me onto the table. A cookie sat on a napkin in from of him.

"Go on." He said finally breaking the silence. "Eat your fill of it."

"T-The cookie?" I stuttered.

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