Chapter Fourteen

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             Lillie slept quietly as I laid awake. I fell asleep for only a short time. Here was not home. This was not comfortable. It was hell in the making. I heard a small rustling from the side of the cage which made me look up. Lillie's borrower companion was looking in with a small flashlight. It was girl no older than I was. Her curly red hair was well kept and her green eyes were barely visible.

"Go away." I said bitterly as I turned my back to them.

"I've only came to see if you'd like some company." She said. I scoffed.

"I want to leave, not stay and have a chit-chat." I told her. She didn't give up.

"Come on, we might as long get along since this is where you'll be staying." I heard the door to my cage creak open and shut. I looked and saw the girl inside the cage.

"You know I can just escape now, right?" I asked.

"I would advise not doing that. I cannot help you leave and you cannot leave due to not knowing your way around the house. Lillie's family owns are dog as well as a cat. They're never allowed in her but if you leave they will most likely find you. Her parents are well aware of your presence. If you were caught attempting to escape Lillie would punish you heavily. Even if I helped you, Lillie would not punish me as heavily as she would you." The girl seemed to be sincere about her advice of staying put. She had a point as well about punishment. She was not only a companion but a grade. I was simply a captive.

"Sigh. Fine you have a point." I said with much bitterness.

"I am sorry that this happened to you." She sat on the edge of my bed. "You already know I have experienced this. I was lucky to have not been sold as food."

"Is this supposed to make me feel better?" I asked. The girl looked at her feet.

"Sorry." She sighed. "You should maybe try getting used to this. Maybe Lilli.,e will be less strict on you."

"I am not her pet." I snapped.

"Like it or not you are now." The girl's tone was harsher than when she first spoke. I shoved her off the bed.

"I am not Lillie's pet, I am not her object, I will never give in to this prison!" My yelling and the sound of the girl hitting metal woke Lillie up. It took only seconds for the girl to be scooped up and for me to be grabbed. Lillie flicked my back which felt like a hammer hitting it. She then dropped me into a drawer and shut it. I banged my closed fists against the inner walls of the drawer but was ignored as per usual. Lillie left me in there as she slept. When she left for school I was left in the dark prison. When she returned she ignored me. This went on for days, making my mind go numb and a feeling of wildness or insanity begin to build. She only opened the drawer to drop food inside, which I often refused to eat. A week passed and I had become skinnier than I already was. With what little light I got from time to time I saw how my ribs poked out and my stomach sunk in. Lillie would attempt to train me but usually end up causing pain and bruises to my body. After the second week, I was almost lifeless. I barely ate, barely moved, and barely could stay awake. I began sleeping constantly. Seeing how sickly I was, Lillie's mother forced her to take me to a doctor.

"What in hell has happened to this girl!" The Doctor snapped as he held me in his gloved hands. He was a nice looking man with dark hair and dark eyes along with a stubbly beard. "She is all skin and bones!"

"She refused to eat, sir, and she was a rabid and wild thing." Lillie lied to look innocent. "She bit me and attacked me constantly. She even shoved my poor companion to the ground." The curly-headed borrower girl looked almost ashamed to be brought up and see me in the state I was in.

"She seems rather tamed right now." The doctor flipped me on my back, then my stomach. He lifted my shirt, much to both our discomfort, taking note of my bruises. "She looks as if she has been beaten." He gently lifted my tail with his tweezers. "And her tail looks as if it's never seen a bath." He narrowed his eyes at Lillie.

"What are you implying, Doctor?" Lillie asked nervously.

"You have abused and neglected to take care of her." He said as he laid me onto a cushion. Lillie faked an appalled look.

"I would do no such thing to my pets!" She exclaimed. I scoffed, the first noise I've made the entire time. The doctor looked at me as he could tell I was about to speak.

"I am not her pet. She is a lying no good jerk." I told him in a weak voice. He seemed to connect the dots to something I couldn't quite guess. He said nothing as he opened his laptop and typed something up. Then he turned the laptop for all of us, Lillie, her mom, her companion, and me to see. On it was an article in large font reading "Local School's New Borrower Student Reported Missing" which made everyone either gasp or widen their eyes. I did both. There was a picture of me, eyes closed and napping. The doctor began reading out loud, clearly just doing it to prove a point.

"Young borrower girl, Annabelle, has been reported missing by Nathaniel Kris, principal of the school and caretaker of Annabelle. Annabelle has mouse ears and brown hair, as seen in the photo. She has said to be somewhere outside of the school looking for lost family members. Nathaniel has made it clear that he will pay money for anyone to return her to him." The doctor let the silence set in as Lillie realized how much trouble she was in. I was able to almost smile. The doctor then continued. "If Annabelle has been kidnapped or help captive in attempts of making her a pet, the person responsible for doing so shall be charged with kidnapping. If she has been killed or eaten, the person will be charged with murder." I almost couldn't help but feel satisfaction in the thought of Lillie being charged with a crime. "Looks like somebody is being charged with the crime of kidnapping." The Doctor gave his nurse, a nice woman who had just came in during his reading, a look which signaled her to lock the door. Lillie began to plead in panic tones as she realized the police would be called. Her mother pleaded as well. Meanwhile the doctor ignored them and began to examine me further.  He rested me on the cushion as he injected a serum into my bloodstream. Then he carefully lifted me up and laid me on his palm. He had a non-pointed syringe, one used to feed small animals and such, which was full of a small mixture he made. Lillie's crying was very much ignored by him and I.  He carefully placed the end near my mouth.

"I need you to drink this, okay Annabelle?" He said softly. I managed to sit up enough to begin slowly drinking the substance. It was sweet yet it still had a medicine taste to it. Some of it ran down my chin which the doctor used a small cloth to clean. The medicine filled my stomach making it feel warm and feel. The injected serum made my body numb and relaxed as well as drowsy.

"Thank you..." I said tiredly.

"Get some rest, little one." He said as he helped me into a small doll-sized bed. "Hopefully when you awaken you will be able to go home."

Home. He meant Nathan. Nathan is my home now. The thought of him was soothing to me, just enough to let me sleep comfortably for the first time since Lillie captured me.

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