Chapter Twelve

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              I woke up to Victor picking me up off his chest.

"Wakey, wakey, little mouse." He said as he sat up. I yawned.

"Good morning." I said tiredly. Caleb was already away and Logan was almost awake.

"Sleep well?" Victor asked all three of us. Caleb nodded but said nothing and Logan simply made a "Hmph" sound.

"I slept well." I told him. He smirked.

"You slept like a little baby." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you please make breakfast?" I asked as my stomach growled. Victor smirked.

"Yeah." I jumped as his stomach growled like a beast waking from a nap. He laughed as I nearly fell from being startled. "Did I scare you?" He teased. My ears went down as I stuck my tongue out.

"Shush." I told him. He laughed again and helped me, Caleb, and Logan onto his shoulder. Then he left to a kitchen where he poured a bowl of cereal. He helped us down and let us eat our fill then he ate his. After eating he went to change into his uniform while I did behind a box. He left for school with us on his shoulders.
           When he arrived and entered the crowded halls I shrunk back. These are my classmates but I know we are not equal to one another in their eyes. I cling onto some of the cloth from Victor's shirt. He didn't noticed tho. Then Victor took an unexpected turn into Nathan's office.
           Nathan sat at his desk, his blonde hair still a mess and his red eyes showing a hint of exhaustion. He looked up, at me, and then at Victor.

"Good morning." He said as he went back to writing on a piece of paper.

"Would you like Annabelle to come here now or after school?" Victor asked. Nathan paused in his writing.

"Now, please." He said nonchalant. Victor tried to pick me up as I scurried around his neck. When he got ahold of me I grabbed his shirt but to no avail he had me in his hand. He set me onto the desk where Nathan simply kept writing. "Thank you, Victor. Please close the door after you leave." Victor nodded, gave me a rather asshole smirk, and left. The door shut with a small click.

"I have nothing to say to you." I said quietly after a chunk of silence passed. Nathan sighed.

"I didn't ask if you did. I won't force anything out of you." He said calmly. I couldn't help but have a burst of emotions hit me. I was standing in front of my parents' murderer. He murdered them. Nathan killed my parents. I began to cry, no sob loudly. This startled him. With no words he scooped me up and cradled me with his hand against him. I sobbed into his shirt cloth.

"W-why?..." I  choked out.

"Annabelle..." He said softly.

"How could you kill them!" I shouted while tears drenched my cheeks. I felt him tense up. "You killed them and now I have no parents! You killed them with no remorse!" I couldn't stop as hot burning liquid spewed from my eyes. "You are a murderer!" Suddenly he was completely tense and shaking. A small drop of liquid hit my stomach. I saw that he was now the one that had tears coming from his eyes.

"I didn't choose to have it happen." He said as he kept his cool despite the tears. "I didn't choose to lose myself that day. I...I didn't mean for them to die. I didn't mean for them to get hurt." He clenched his teeth and swallowed hard.

"That's no excuse for killing them!" I snapped. He quickly set me down and turned away. 

"I didn't know I killed them until I realized you were their daughter." He took a shaky breath. "I'm not even sure if I was the one who killed them." I looked at him.

"What do you mean you don't know if you did?"

"I remember the horrible teasing and taunting I did. I remember seeing my eyes glow in my phone camera since I still have the photos. I remember I caused so much goddamn fear...then the rest is blurred." He didn't look at me. "I feel like I didn't kill them but at the same time I can't find another explanation." I fell silent.

"What photos?" I asked. Nathan seemed to hesitate before he took his phone out and went to his photos app. He opened a folder that had no name. The first photo was of his face, a selfies if you will. His eyes were glowing like they were when he pinned the janitor up and stopped my kidnapper. Except he had a smirk and seemed to be malicious. The next photo was my parents. My mother stood holding my dad, her long brown hair and brown ears back in fear. My father had fear in his eyes as well with his grayed hair and his ears back. They were in a jar. The next photo was of Nathan holding my father's shirt between his teeth, looking like a proud cat that caught their prey. The next one was my mother dangling from a string. There was no more photos after that. I had tears flooding my cheeks more after seeing them.

"You're a monster." I said shakily. Nathan said nothing. Just then a woman walked in, her blonde hair tied back in a bun, hazel eyes behind glasses, and she seemed to not like me from the start.

"Here are the papers, sir." She said. She appeared to be an assistant. Nathan looked at her like he had just seen a ghost. She was greatly confused. "What?"

"Do you happen to remember the day when I found the two borrowers?" He asked. She laughed.

"Of course. It was entertaining. Why?" She said heartlessly. I sucked in a breath as Nathan seemed to be shocked by her statement. However he did not address it.

"Do you know what I did with those borrowers?" He asked. She thought for a moment then spoke.

"You told me to release them." She said.

"And did you?"

"Yes. I let them go outside. They scurried off like the mice they were." She said with no remorse.

"Jasmine!" Nathan snapped. "They didn't live outside!"

"Whoops. It's been too many years to do anything about it now. I don't see why it's such a fuss." I really wanted to snap at her. At least I knew one thing now; Nathan didn't kill my parents. This woman did. She let them outside which means they probably couldn't get back in. However that also means they might still be alive. So that's too good things.  Nathan didn't kill them and they might be alive. I plan on finding them too.


Long time no see, everyone! I've found a way to write stories although I can't promise my production speed will be any faster. I changed the cover and title of this story because I felt like the other one wasn't fitting enough. Hope you guys don't mind. It's 1:25am and if tired as all hell. I'm sorry for this crap update. Hopefully the next ones will be better. Thank you all for your patience and support x3


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