Chapter Nineteen

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           Nathan typed away as I laid on the desk, relaxing. It was nice not doing anything for once. I sighed and he looked at me, finally deciding to take a break.

"For someone who is always in danger, you're pretty relaxed right now." He joked.

"It's because I'm with you." I told him. "You make me feel safe even when you're terrifying."

"Gee, thanks." He scoffed jokingly. "I am just glad you are once again safe, even if you are a handful."

"Is that a pun since I'm small?" I asked as I sat on. He laughed.

"No, but thats pretty good." He let out a content sigh. He seemed to be thinking about something, his eyes focusing on one spot for a few seconds. "Look, Annabelle, with how crazy this week has been..." He paused.


"Not today, but how about tomorrow we go outside in the school front yard and I'll let you check out the flowers?"

"Really!" I sat up quickly, making my head rush but in my excitement I ignored the temporary dizziness. "Do you mean it!" He takes a deep breath before answering.

"Given that you are naturally curious and it's understandable, yes. But you need to promise me something first."


"You can never run off again looking for your parents or wander on your own for any other reason." We met eyes, sign that he was serious. I bite my lip as I realize this meant I had to stay by his or Victor's side. However it also meant that if we found something in the patches of flowers, he'd for sure have to help me find out what happened to my parents. I realize that Nathan is still watching me, waiting for an answer. "Well?" He asks. "Do you promise?"

"Of course. I promise to always stay by you or someone safe." I tell him.

"Thank you, Annabelle." He stretches casually. "I'll find a time for us to go out their during lunch. I'll probably have to take you out of a class to do so given that we'd want it to be less populated."

"That's fine!" I say a bit too eagerly. Nathan laughed.

"I bet it is. With how little you've been able to learn, it's easier for me to let you skip a class tomorrow. But after that, no more. You need to get an education and so I won't allow more interruptions to it."

"Whatever you say, Mr.Professional." I joke. "What class will we go tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet, Annabelle. I've literally just made this plan as we speak."

"But I want to know now!"

"Well, little Ms.Impatient, you'll have to wait." He smirked when I made pout at his joke. "I have more things to do before we leave, so just try and hold yourself together while you wait. Practice having patience." He began typing away. Five minutes pass before I walk up to his wrist that was resting onto the desk. He is too focused on whatever it was he was typing for to notice me.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask as I try to look up and read the screen. From the angle I was at, it was impossible to read.

"Principal work." He said sarcastically.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Things you don't need to worry about."

"Why not?"

"Because it's my job not yours."


"Annabelle." His tone is stern as he glances down at me. "I'm trying to finish these things so we can go home."

"Why can't they wait until tomorrow?" I ask.

"Because I need them done today and if I don't do them here I have to go home and do them."

"But-" He gives me another look and in return I just huff. "Okay." I plop down and lean against his arm, my arms crossed. I groan and complain as I wait for him to finally finish his work, his irritated sigh silencing me. I trace my finger on his warch, making small smudges he'd never notice.  Finally he finishes.

"There, I'm finished. You won't die now." He said with a bitter tone.

"I'm sorry." I told him. He sighed as he  stood up and grabbed his sweatshirt. "It's fine, Annabelle. You're just impatient because of tomorrow. I get it." He lifted me up and set me on his shoulder. "Let's just get you home so you can get some rest." He turned off the lights and left his office. When we arrived back home, he set me down in front of my home. "I'll go make a quick dinner,  just hang out here okay?"

"Okay." I told him before going in. I went into my bedroom, took a quick shower before changing into a comfier pair of clothes. I brushed out my hair and peeked out the bedroom window to see Nathan return to the room. He didn't realize I could see him as he opened his dress and pulled out a T-shirt and sweatpants, then began to unbutton his shirt. I immediately shut my curtains. Moments passed before he tapped on my door.

"Ready to eat?" He asked. I opened the door and walked out. Then onto his palm.

"What's for dinner tonight?" I asked curiously as he went to his kitchen.

"Nothing too special tonight, just some pizza." He said as we entered the kitchen. The table my size had a plate with my plate ready and a can of soda. Something I only tasted when students left open bottles full of liquid out. Nathan set me onto the table and sat down. I did as well. We didn't talk much while eating today. He seemed to be stressed and tired, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet it seemed. I didn't mind it either. After we both finished and he washed his plate, he yawned.

"It's still early, do you want to watch some shows?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sure, why not?" I answered. He helped me back onto his shoulder. He went into his living room, relaxed onto his couch on his back, and set me onto his chest.

"You okay with this? I really just want to lay down." He asked as he adjusted.

"I don't mind." I sat down and leaned back onto the cushion his side pressed against. We ended up agreeing on watching a crime show. Eventually I noticed Nathan had fallen asleep but I was still not tired. I watched several more episodes, interested in the crime show. Despite it scaring me at times because if a borrower is murdered, nobody investigates. The harsh reality. I laid down and soon I drifted off into a sleep just as he did.

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