Chapter Eleven

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              I was nervous to meet Victor's dad. I could tell that Caleb was as well. We all were nervous, even though Logan wasn't going to admit it. Victor helped us onto the dining table where his mother smiled warmly at us.

"I'm sorry to say I don't have borrower plates, would you three mind sharing a big plate?" She asked. I exchanged looks with Caleb and Logan, both giving off that they did not mind.

"That's fine with us. Thank you, ma'am." I said gratefully. She smiled and left the room. When she returned she held a plate that had some diced up steak, grapes, and some diced carrots.

"It's nothing special but I hope you enjoy it." She said to us borrowers. We said our thanks. Then the moment came. A man with styled blonde hair, brown eyes, and a stubbled beard walked in. He wore a business looking outfit and seemed tired. He kissed Victor's mom on the cheek and sat down. We made eye contact immediately.

"Somebody want to explain why there is three tiny creatures eating off of a plate on this table?" He said, looking specifically at Victor.

"Their names are Annabelle, Logan, and Caleb." Victor said as he focused on his food.

"That doesn't tell me why they're here."

"Annabelle is a friend, Logan is for a project and is a friend, and Caleb is a friend." Victor didn't look up and his tone was calm. His dad seemed to more focused on me.

"Why does that one have mouse ears?" He asked skeptically. "She seems to be more of a rodent than a 'friend' to me."

"She's part mouse, dad. Leave her be." Victor had a hint of impatience in his voice. His dad narrowed his eyes and reached over to me. He lifted me by my tail causing an excruciating pain to me. I screamed out making Victor look up immediately.

"She squeals like a mouse." His dad joked coldly as he hung me in the air as I cried out in pain.

"Put her down!" Victor snapped. His mother walked in and saw me hanging in the air by my tail.

"For the love of god, put her down now." She came over and took me from Victor's dad. "She is just a child." She helped me back onto the table.

"It is a mouse." Victor's dad argued.

"She is a person, and Victor's friend. She is a guest here and you will treat her as such." His mom snapped. His father rolled his eyes.

"I want this 'guest' gone by tomorrow. It is not welcome here. The others can stay, I don't care. I won't allow a rodent to live here." He snapped. By now Victor was clearly more than irritated. He shoved his plate away and helped me onto his shoulder along with the others. He grabbed our plate and left to his room, saying nothing to his father. He then set the plate onto his desk and set us down. We looked at him in awkward silence. This seemed to put him more on edge.

"Well? You can still eat, you know." He said impatiently. Caleb was startled slightly but could clearly understand why Victor was on edge. Logan did not have a remark and didn't even roll his eyes. Just resumed eating. I, however, looked at Victor.

"Are you going to be alright?" I asked. Victor let out a sigh and closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again.

"I'll be fine, little mouse." He said calmly. "Please go eat." I sighed and went back to eating. When we were all full Victor helped us onto his bed.

"You guys can go to sleep if you want. I'm going to relax for a bit." He said as he laid on his bed next to us. I couldn't help but ask a question.

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