Chapter Seven

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                 I sat with Lillie throughout my classes. Until lunch. Victor has gotten to me before Lillie could when she was packing her things up.

"Come on, pet. Let's spend some time at lunch together." He said. I winced thinking he was going to grab me like I was a doll. Until I opened my eyes and saw he had his hand flattened down for me. "Well?" He asked impatiently. "Would you rather I pick you up by your waist?" I yelped and climbed onto his hand. He left before Lillie realized he took me.
             Victor carried me outside and sat by a tree. His friends followed along then threw a football with each other while he set me onto a book on his lap. He looked down at me, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"W-what?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Nothing. Are you hungry?" He asked. I felt my stomach growl. I was supposed to go get lunch in the cafeteria but I could tell I wouldn't be going anytime soon.

"Y-yeah..." I said sheepishly. Victor smirked as he took out a sandwich.

"Do you want some of this?" He asked. I nodded and he pulled off a piece. He held it just above me reach. "You have to take it from me first." He said with an amused smirk. I jumped and tried to reach the piece of sandwich. This went on for awhile while he laughed at me. Then he plopped the piece into his mouth and ate it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. He laughed and set the sandwich down in front of me.

"Go on, mousey." He gestured to the sandwich. I cautiously went up to it, sniffing the food like it could be poisoned. Then I ripped a small piece of the bread, meat, cheese, and lettuce to make a sandwich my size. Victor watched as I ate my fill. Then he had his. Once he was finished he wiped his hands with a napkin, ripping a piece off for me.

"So, little mouse. Where are you from?" He asked.

"I grew up in the school." I said awkwardly. "My parents went missing three years ago." I told him. He listens while he seemed to be thinking of something.

"Sorry to hear that, I guess." He said. "At least now Nathan took you in. He isn't a fan of borrowers."

"Wh-what?" I felt my heart stop.

"A few years ago, and this is only what I've heard, he caused a borrower couple to die. His inner savage broke loose as they say." He noticed me tense up. "Look, it might be a rumor."

"And if not?"

"And if not, he's changed obviously. Nobody knows what they're doing when they go savage. It usually only lasts for a couple of hours unless you truly are a savage. Even if you were truly savage you'd be banished from cities because you'll become unstable and barbaric. Nathan doesn't seem like the type of be savage or a borrower-eater. There's a difference between a normal Giant and a savage."

"One knows what they're doing, the other doesn't..." I said as I tried to ignore the fact that Nathan could have been the ones that took my parents.

"Exactly." Victor said. He poked my side and caused me to yelp. "It's time to head to class again, little mouse." He flattened his hand. I climbed on and he carried me to study hall. The teacher was a woman, who looked at me with no kindness in her face. She appeared young but a lot of giants held a younger look.

"Put it on my desk." She snapped. Victor stopped.

"But my phone is not even out..." He said. She rolled her eyes.

"Not your phone. I'm talking about that." She pointed to me. I shrunk back as her eyes glared at me. "Put that pathetic creature on my desk." Victor set me onto the desk.

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