o2. The Snow isn't the Only Thing that's Cold

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Lucy's eyes widened as the scene in front of her unfolded. The rude, salmon-coloured boy from earlier was in a very heated fight with another black-haired student. Or was it dark blue? FTA students hair dyes were very interesting. What surprised her even more was how to rest of the students walked past, ignoring them as if it were an everyday occurrence.

She looked around, searching for anyone who might want to break it up, or at least acknowledge it.

"You must be Lucy, right?" A pretty, kind-looking woman walked up to her. She had white blonde hair that cascaded in curls, reaching roughly around her elbows.

"I'm Mira, a student teacher over FTA. I used to attend here before," She looked at the school with a certain glazed expression.

"Yeah, I'm Lucy! Word must travel fast,"

"Haha, yes it does. And if you're wondering about Gray and Natsu over there... Well, you'd be better off ignoring them. They do this all the time, surprisingly they're actually quite close."

"Oh wow... That is surprising."

"Yeah, Gray's the one who's stripping."

"Wait- what?!" She quickly turned her head and there indeed, was Gray shirtless. My mouth was agape. "It's the middle of winter, how the hell is he stripping right now?!" She saw a particular girl, with blue curls stop and stare, she was clearly infatuated with Gray.

"Put a shirt on, Ice brain!" Yelled Natsu, swinging a fist at Gray.

"Shut up, hot head!" Returned Gray, elbowing him in the stomach.

They continued their relentless battle, swinging fist and getting punches as the students idly walked by. She noticed everybody suddenly stop however, averting their attention to something else - or rather, someone else.

"Gray, Natsu." Erza growled, marching up to them. They quickly dispersed, putting an innocent expression on their face. It was quite adorable, if Lucy must say.

"How dare you guys cause such a scene, especially when we have a new kid." Her voice was low and menacing.

Heads turned to look and Lucy, and she flashed an awkward grin.

"Wont do it again," Gray promised. sending a dazzling smile to Erza.

"Yeah, Gray's too much of a bother anyways." Natsu waved off lazily.

"Looks like I'll have to teach you guys a lesson,"

Their facial expressions quickly turned to fear as Gray nervously said, "but Erza, we're on school campus, you wouldn't want to do anything! And... The new girls watching!" He pointed at me.

Lucy mentally face-palmed, there goes me trying to stay under the radar. Heaven forbid anyone here might have recognized her... But no, she was only met with blank faces.

"Oh yeah," Erza scratched her head, debating. "If I see you guys again..."!her voice threatened mercilessly, and they gulped under her espression. Lucy could really see why she was the student body president.

"Be gone." And that was all it took for them to scampering away, sending each other glares as the walked past. Natsu purposely bumped into Lucy, pushing her onto the cold floor.

He stared at her impassively. From her spot on the ground, it wasn't hard to see his unapologetic face.

"W-w-why would you that?" She shivered from the cold, the snow soaking into the back of her uniform. She glared up at him, mad at the injustice of his actions.

"You're annoying."

"Well I'm clearly not the only one." Lucy muttered, not knowing why he had started bullying her.

"Look you," he brought his face close to hers. "You don't belong here, FairyTail has no need for pests like you. Just go run back to your posh life like the scared little girl you are." He mocked.

Lucy gulped nervously, looking around to see if anyone heard them. "H-how do you know." She whispered, dread taking on her features.

"I went through your records," he shrugged, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. His expression changed, "You'd better leave soon, little princess. Or who knows, maybe your father will be here a lot quicker than you thought." His hot breath fanned her ear, as he mockingly whispered his next words.

That asshole! He was blackmailing me, and yet... Lucy knew she was powerless against him. If her dad found out, he would be here in an instant, or well, someone would be to take her back to him.

Eyes wet, she stared up at him, not daring to speak.

Natsu smirked, knowing he had obviously won this one. Lucy wondered how he had changed into that kid play fighting with Gray a little while ago into this cruel... Monster.

"Oi, Natsu! Leave the new girl alone. She saved our asses today." Yelled a voice from behind them, Lucy knew it was Gray. Natsu rolled his eyes and got up, walking back go him. Lucy, however, stayed in the cold for a while longer, processing everything that had just happened. She definitely did not miss the quiet cruel voice of his as taunted her, "Run away, little princess."

She shivered, but not because of the cold. Because there was something all the books she had read about FairyTail Academy hadn't warned her about, the monster Natsu Dragneel.

[ A/N: Small chapter, I know. Dx I just couldn't find a more perfect way to end it off.

Next update will be soon, but I shouldn't worry too much. I just started this story yesterday and already a new update? :00 I'm going to start focusing on CIOA and update HHK soon enough. ]

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