o8. Old Friends Old Love

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[ E i g h t ]

School the next day was quite the handful for me, considering I was still overwhelmed by yesterdays happening. It was too much, all of it was happening too soon. I didn't even know about Yukino, Sting or Rogues whereabouts, just that they were here to stay for a while. Of course, they had to eventually leave, but we would cross that bridge once we got there. Right now they were basking in their sweet bliss of no homework or parents, although Yuki was hinting at joining FTA for the time being. Hah, that would be funny.

I observed my surroundings at lunch, not really in the mood to talk. My eyes landed on the senior boys table, they were particularly loud. From what I had gathered, it was Gajeel and Gray that were the biggest playboys. Gajeel currently had two simpering woman on the side of his arms, as he tilted his head back and laughed at something one of the other boys had said. Gray on the other hand was getting cosy with another girl, his hand resting on the bare of her thigh underneath her skirt. His smirk said it all as they both disappeared a couple of seconds later, unanimously excusing themselves.

Juvia's saddened mood had expanded just like my new hatred for Gray. It was rude and it angered me how he went with different women as he pleased, when there was clearly one who cared so deeply for him when she deserved so much better. Gray was an asshole, and undeniably hot asshole that sadly a bunch of girls fell for.

I shook my head, it would do me no good to spend the next hour dwelling on certain people who didn't deserve my time. The other guys on that table weren't that bad and seemed like genuine folks, until my eyes landed on Natsu.

Words could not describe the boiling hatred I had for this man, it seared, burning and waiting to be unleashed onto his poor soul but I was a kind person, I wouldn't do that. Yet.

He seemed so smug, sitting there. I was probably going to have to look forward to some other prank for the rest of the day. Hell, mime weren't even as bad. Like sure, I would never do something like that to an unsuspecting victim but can you really say that handing someone a piece of gum that they may or may not be allergic to and causing them to have a coughing fit and nearly taken to a hospital deserves having gunk all over you? I wouldn't.

My seething eyes and overwhelming hatred was short-lived as soon enough, I was being called into the principles office. Mira, the student-teacher gestured for me to follow her into the office.

Had Mavis finally heard of my ongoing prank attempts? But she seemed so chill...

Shaking my head, I told myself not to get any thoughts before I even entered the office. It would do me no good if I thought I was on the verge of being expelled when really, I was being called in for a mistake on my file or something. But if you got expelled, than so would Natsu for that reason...

It was sad how tempting being punished was now.

"Lucy!" Mavis clapped, her feet swaying as she sat on her desk. Probably the most unprofessional principal I had ever seen, but hey, I wasn't complaining.

It was then I noticed that I wasn't the only one in the room. Sting, Yuki, and Rogue all stood there with sheepish looks on their face. So they weren't joking about trying to stay here for a while.

"Well these kids," she indicated towards the three, "Said that you know them. Is that correct?"

"Yes..." I replied unsurely, not sure at what she was getting at.

"Great! You guys can study here then." Mavis smiled brightly, at which they let out a sigh of relief. I however, was shocked. Did FTA really just let in anybody in here? Sure that was great and all when it came to charity cases like mine, however, a serial killer could just as easily slip in.

"Anyways Lucy, since you are their acquaintance, and the alibi that got them in here the first place, could you show them around? I would ask the student body president or someone, but it's unnecessary if you're already here."

"Sure! I have just one question, do you guys accept anyone and everyone? Regardless of what they might have done in the past?"

"Lucy," Mavis's tome had turned completely serious, losing the lightness it held moments ago. "Fairytail aims to achieve full acceptability, this means making sure all of our students are comfortable. Worrying about a past that just is the past isn't going to make that happen any sooner. It doesn't matter who, or where you came from, FTA will always be waiting to welcome you back."

And although I'm sure those words were meant to fill me up so I wasn't dreading my stay here, it only worried me as to what kind of a nutcasses this school took in. And only lured me as to wonder what a certain salmon-haired boys story was exactly.

"This place seems lit." Sting grinned.

I furrowed my brows. "We're not lighting any candles."

Rogue rolled his eyes. "It's just Sting and his new vocabulary."

"Oh yeah. He's been saying a bunch of interesting words lately. Apparently doing drugs is cool." Yukino piped up.

"I never said drugs are cool. Some things are just dope."

"Mhmm, you called my sisters name dope, Sting."

"Well it's not as great as yours, so I don't see why you worrying."

I sighed, there goes the trying-to-hide-flirting again. It always began with Sting, and most likely ended with him too. I loved Yuki, but she could be a little oblivious. She didn't know of Stings childhood-long feelings for her, and probably didn't return them. Rogue knew about the love triangle, and the meaning of his sympathetic glances were not unknown.

"Are your feelings not gone yet?" Rogue asked, falling in pace with me. He was blunt, to put it out there so but that's just how he was. He got to the point and wasted no time, which was usually extremely helpful.

"To be honest, I don't know if they ever will." I sighed. I just wanted it to be over. It hurt. Seeing the guy you felt so much for feel the exact same for someone who didn't even know, or want the attention.

"I don't think it was meant to be, Lucy."

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"I think at this new place you'll be able to find someone else, well hopefully. I just don't think you and Sting were meant to be together." He said softly.

"Well Rogue, even if it were, I don't think he'd ever stop loving Yukino enough to realize." I smiled weakly, my hurt so obviously showing. My heart broke every time, and I just didn't want it to anymore. I listened to Rogues words, really I did. I just knew at the same time it wouldn't happen. I wouldn't be able to forget about him and fall in love with someone far, far away from him. But at the same time, I think I was just hoping to prove myself wrong.

[ A/N: awwe poor Luce. ;( <\3 ]

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