18. Rock it Till You Knock It

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[ E i g h t e e n ]

The rest of the days went by in a blur. I had continued to visit the library under the radar whenever I needed help, for some reason Natsu was a science genius, or more specifically a Chemistry one.

I think it was obvious what I was doing, seeking him out whenever I needed help, it had made me actually enjoy his company and for the first time since I got here, I think I likes Natsu more than I dislike him. Which was saying a lot.

I passed my tests. I didn't excel at them like I would have preferred, or really not have even been surprised at considering how much I studied for them. It almost left a bitter taste in my mark whenever I saw Natsu get 99 on his test when he almost surely spent all his time lavishing in that great house of his. I always stopped myself before they got too miserable, I had to remind myself that had it not been for him, I wouldn't have even passed them. He willingly gave up his time to help me and I would take whatever I could get if it helped me get far away from the place that first drew me to FTA.

I drew a breath, school was finally over for the next two weeks, and I would enjoy the hell out of this party. Merlin knows I deserve it.

I cringed as I remembered the extra shifts I had to take so I could be free for this night and away from the miserable old boss woman.

The bell rang and I hurriedly opened it. Erza, Levy, Cana and others had all come to my place to set up before we left for the party. Apparently, owning my own place was extremely cooler than the place they all lived in at Fairy Hills.

"I brought makeup!" Erza stares proudly, whipping out a box of lipstick shades in every colour. Everyone else had pitched in with other stuff such as jewelry and shoes, and I felt guilty for not preparing anything before hand.

"It's fine." Cana grinned at me when she saw my expression. "You letting us come here was already enough."

I sent her a grateful smile, I truly did love all these women who attended the same school as them, and the thought of ever leaving them was extremely sad.

An hour or two later, we were ready. All of us in our own dresses, dangerous low cuts and leg cuts. We looked more than fine and were ready to leave. It was stunning how much we resembled to a pack of wolves the way we moved, and maybe we were a little too friendly with each other.

"Side boob, I approve." Erza vigorously nodded her head at me, cheeks aflame I laughed it off as we left my house and dawdled over to Natsu's. They were all a little surprised when they found out I already knew where he lived, considering I had never been to one of his parties before. The playful winks and obvious nudges they all sent my way was enough for me to steer onto a different topic until we got there.

I knocked, waiting as a couple of seconds later Natsu opened the door, the loud music being overhead. I felt his burning gaze on me, resting a little too long on my chest and legs as he cheekily grinned and flirted with the rest of the girls before letting them in. I scoffed. Natsu wasn't one of the well-known players at FTA, that title belonged more so to Gray and Gajeel, but clearly he didn't seem to have a problem with it.

We kept walking a down a narrow pathway, I noticed that the area where we 'studied' (more like argued) last time was blocked. I guess mr.dragon did have a couple of more days to stay blissfully intact.

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