15. Stupider Than Stupid

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[ F i f t e e n ]

A chill ran up my spine and the harsh wind didn't help when I saw the gigantic house he lived in. How can he even live in such a thing? I mean, shouldn't it disturb him that his criminal brother bought it with his criminal money?

I shook my head and kept walking, my breath fogging up in front of me due to the cold.

It was a terrifyingly beautiful house, built up on old stone and and vines that elegantly bordered the house. Much too big for anyone to live in, and if
I remembered correctly from his family page, his younger adopted sister.

If I lived here I'd never have a problem with money. I thought miserably to myself. Wouldn't have to work for the grumbling lady regularly, oh that would be great.

Knocking on the gates, I patiently waited for him to open the door. This was all for the invite. Hell, I'd love to party till I couldn't walk in this mansion.

Natsu showed up soon, hurriedly opening the door. His eyes quickly scanned the rest of his neighbourhood suspiciously as he hurried me in to his house.

"You can wait here, I'll grab my bag." He ran upstairs, taking two steps at a time.

I was a little shocked that he trusted me enough to leave me along in his living room filled with expensive vases and paintings. Wrecking havoc was something I'm known to do in his eyes, and as I eyed the real-life glass sculpture of a dragon sitting majestically in the middle, it didn't seem like such a bad idea.

Hmm. Millions of pieces of glass always look better than a single glued-on thing.

I was seriously considering that option until a picture caught my eye. Hesitantly, I dropped my bag onto the lush sofa and made my way to the fireplace shelf, where a very surprising picture of Natsu and a dark-haired girl who I could only assume was his sister. They looked at such ease, he was grinning toothily as much as what looked like an eight year old could, and the toddler on his back mirrored his joyful expression. A dark haired, older boy also grinned at the camera, imitating bunny ears with his finger and both toddler and Natsu's head. They looked so happy, so full of joy and it suddenly hit me that I had no idea what kind of family problems Natsu had, a brother on the run, missing father and mentally unstable mother? Boy was that a lot for just one person's plate.

My hands, almost unconsciously went to hold the picture, my thumb resting right on top of Natsu's face.

"Careful, my pictured self won't be able to move fast away." A voice said behind me, indicating to his younger self. I quickly swivelled back, how long had he been there for?

I noticed how he tried to make his voice seem mocking, but it was too genuine as his eyes filled up with an emotion I couldn't figure out as he stared at the picture.

And then he grinned, like a rare, no-smirk-detected smile that's so familiar with Natsu. "Gheez stop staring at me you weirdo."

"You're the weirdo, bipolar much?" I muttered under my breath. What a change of attitude from this morning. I sat down, waiting for him to do the same as we began to work on the stupid essay that would be my ticket in.

"You're stupid." I groaned. For the fifth time that evening, he just wouldn't get it through his thick head.

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