1o. Moonlight Garden Love was What I Wanted

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[ T e n ]

[ A/N: no more o's pretending to be zero's after this chapter :( ]

I crossed my arms. Surprise for me too but sheesh he didn't have to be so rude.

"You two know each other?" Asked Rogue, his eyebrows knitting and the rest of them also trying to to understand.

"Yeah," I huffed. "We're not exactly friends."

Natsu scoffed. "More like we hate each other."

"Well, actually, if you weren't such a jerk in the beginning then maybe I wouldn't have– "

"If you just stayed wherever you belonged and didn't bother us then maybe I wouldn't have to blackmail you."

"Well maybe if you tried to get your head out of your ass and realize that there's such a thing as new people." I shot back.

"Maybe if you tried to stop being so annoying we wouldn't have this problem."  He fired.

"Well, maybe if you— !"

Yukino clamped a hand over my mouth, clearly not trying to put our ride and ticket to a nice meal in distress.

"You know, I think we should just put our differences aside for tonight." She chuckled nervously.

"Yeah," Sting automatically backed her up. He still looked confused as his head turned to me. "Wait, Luce, is this the guy—"

It was suddenly me doing the clamping as I could feel Sting's warm mouth under my hand. Again, a red tint began to appear at my cheeks. "Dinner sounds great."

Natsu glared at me, and I felt like smirking back. I wasn't stupid, being kicked out would've been plain embarrassing...

But the devilish smile he sent me next chilled me to the bone.

"You're right, let's get going. I have a feeling this will be a very interesting night."

And indeed, it was.

It was quiet, the only thing that could be heard were the audible clanking of utensils. I was still partly embarrassed from when I had tripped over my two-inch heel as I got out of the car and Sting had to catch me. What worried me was the glint in Natsu's eyes as he quietly analyzed the situation. My blush and Sting's focus on something — someone else. I knew he was concocting something.

"Rogue, I heard about your teacher relationship." Were the first words that came out of Natsu's smirking mouth. Did he have any other facial expression known to man? I doubted it.

"Rogue what?!" I nearly-yelled.

Rogue's cheek's turned a bright shade of red. "It-it's no one you kn-know."

"Lies," Yukino sang. "It's professor Minerva."

I internally let out a small breath. Minerva was only a year older than us, teaching because she was a gifted student and her father was the headmaster. Quite a cruel man, who only accepted Lucy because of her father's raving reputation.

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