2o. Leo the Liar

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[ T w e n t y ]

The next few days mostly consisted of me wandering the beautiful streets of Magnolia and avoiding people from school as much as I could.

Snow was beginning to clear, and it made the town quite beautiful with its soon-to-be-bud cherry blossom trees. Almost enough for me to admire it so long that I didn't notice the wild ginger mane of hair of a man I sort of recognized. Almost.

"Hey, Loke!" I shouted, his asshole behaviour coming back to me as I angry marched up to where he was. Apparently, he was trying to go unnoticed with his hoodie and sticking to the shadows.

It was a good thing I ruined that.

His face turned, eyes narrowed as he tried to find the person who gave him away. Once they landed on me, his eyes widened in small recognition.

"Shit." He cursed, ruffling up his hair.

"Yeah, shit." I murmured, as I walked up to him furiously.

"Look, whatever we did last night, I'm sorry but I can't see you again." He said in an apologetic voice as he scurried down the dark alleyway.

"Hah asshole, you think I'd do something with you?" I called out after him.

He stopped and gave me a weird look. "Then why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes. "I want an apology. Honestly, I'm glad you stopped me from doing something I probably would've regretted, but you were extremely rude about it." I recalled, remembering his disgusted look from the party. I was so glad that I didn't kiss this douche.

"Oh. Well, sorry." He shrugged.

I glared at him. Could he at least try to make it sound somewhat genuine?

"Lucy?" I heard someone's voice call out from behind me. It was almost too bad to be true, for some reason I couldn't escape this guy in my head and real life as well.

Loke almost jumped at the opportunity to talk to someone else. "Oi, hey Natsu!" He called out a little too eagerly.

I swivelled around, drunken embarrassment forgotten. "You know this asshole?"

I mentally face-palmed. Of course he would, I met him at Natsu's party.

He grinned. "Of course, Leo's perhaps the most annoying person on the planet but we still need him nonetheless."

My jaw went slack as I turned again and faced 'Loke'. "You lied about your name as well. Sheesh." I stared at him in awe.

He rubbed his head awkwardly, as if he's rather be any place but here. Which was fine with me — the whole point of this was to make him uncomfortable.

"You know what Lucy," Natsu grabbed my wrist and began dragging me away. "I think we should just leave..."

"But I'm not done!" I exclaimed, still glaring at 'Leo' as he sent a grateful look at Natsu, I could tell he was glad but I was not done with him. I watched sadly as his figure retreated into the shadows, and my lost chance at making him pay some more.

"Argh, will you let me go!" I turned on Natsu, pissed.

"Just leave him alone Lucy, he does that to like every girl."

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