25. Dry Eyes for Nothing to Save Me

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[ T w e n t y F i v e ]

"Wait, isn't that Natsu's girlfriend? They're honestly so cute! I wonder if they'll do anything tomorrow for Valentines Day."

"Uhm, probably not. Didn't you hear? They broke up last week."

"Honestly?! But I haven't even heard about it yet. And they've been the hot topic for a while."

"It's been kept pretty lowkey, but it's obvious. They were attached at the hip, and it must have been a bad breakup for them to not even acknowledge each other anymore. Poor bloke, she broke his heart."

"But I've talked to her before in English, she seemed so nice."

"Do nice people leave perfect guys like Natsu? I mean, come on; he's hot."

"I just don't see why, they looked so happy together."

"They were, before she ran off with some rich also pretty-hot dude. I guess when the CEO of Knightly wants you it's kinda hard to refuse."

"Damn. And I can't even get a call back."

I shut my book abruptly from the aisle behind the two very-interested-in-my-personal-life girls who didn't noticed I had slipped in here after first spotting me. I stormed out of the library, mostly because I was upset, but also because a little part of me knew that a lot of the stuff they were saying was true. It wasn't hard for everyone to piece together what happened; Natsu and me stopped talking and a fancy rich car, owned by the devil himself, came to pick me up from school everyday. Not hard at all.

Entering the bathroom, I leaned against the wall as I heard the bell ring. Luckily for me, this significantly lowered the chance of me encountering anyone here.

It was a little tiring, everyone mumbling "Gold-digger" at you every time they saw you. Funny how all my friends stopped talking to me as well, everyone's loyalty was with Natsu.

Natsu. The guy who I had begun to completely avoid, just thinking about him made my heart hurt and brung tears to my eyes, although I hadn't let any out in ages. Throughout it all, everything that changed so dynamically: my perfect, bittersweet relationship to now this... situation I was in now, I wasn't capable of letting any tears out. Despite my heart hurting and breaking and feeling hollow inside, I couldn't cry to save myself.

I put the rest of my things in my bag, staring at the apartment that wasn't perfect, but I could call it my home in the past five months.

Memories came flooding back to me, because I knew this was most likely my last time in it. Dressing up for the eventful Christmas party with Erza and the others, Natsu and I playing games on the couch which eventually led to other things, Yuki and I having heart-to-hearts on this couch. It was little, but it was more, so much more to me. And I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

Wistfully, I stared at the room one more time, my mood dampening. It was already sad enough that my resignation letter to the boss lady was quite reluctant on my side, but her watery eyes told me she felt the same. The coffee shop was my first act of independence since I ran away, and it signified so much to me.

Closing the door, I turned to walk down the stairs, very shocked to find Natsu standing there in front of me. It was two days after since I had last seen him beaten up on the floor, and to see that he was alright couldn't have made me happier. But then sadness towards what I had to do. Why I was instructed to do.

There was a bandage wrapped tightly around his arm, and his black eye reminded me of what I had done. His injuries were because of me. And maybe that helped make what I knew was going to happen by the end of this meeting easier, because at least it was less damaging to him.

"Hi." He said softly, his eyes trained on my every movement. The look on his face told me that he already knew what was going to happen, as if he wanted to make my job easier.

"Natsu..." I started, my voice breaking.

"Is he forcing you? To be with him. I saw it the other night Lucy, you don't have to lie to me." His gaze hardened slightly.

I smiled sadly. "We both knew this was coming." I smiled sadly. "Remember when you told me to go back to where I came from? Looks like I don't need to, it came to me."

His eyes broke contact. "You know it's not like that anymore, right?" His arms wrapped themselves around me, and I hugged him back.

"I'll find a way Lucy, I promise." His grip hardened.

"Don't worry about that Natsu, and I mean it. This was meant to happen, people like me, who grew up like me, can't run from their fates. Lets just enjoy this." I hugged him tightly.

I wanted to stay like this, for as long as I could. Forever possibly too. But I knew I couldn't, I wasn't stupid.

The car parked downstairs for me honked impatiently. I let go, not meeting his eyes.

"Bye." I said quietly, not sure if he heard it. If he did, he chose to ignore it. And I chose to ignore that.

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