o6. Car Not as Sleek as My Plan

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I smugly stood behind a tree as I saw Natsu leave the school. This was going to be so good.

I had every detail planned for the last two days, I even told Lisanna about the prank that she — as his girlfriend — probably wouldn't approve of. But to be honest, she didn't seem all that worried. More amused if anything. And in my opinion, they're whole relationship was pretty odd. It almost made me feel not as guilty about the incident a week and a half ago. Almost.

"Quick!" Juvia scurried from behind me. "He's getting in position!"

From all the girls at our lunch-table that I had told about my master plan, Juvia was the only one who seemed to be interested in helping me. I wasn't going to deny, she was a little odd. She sometimes spoke in third person but she was fun! And probably one of the only people here who I felt comfortable about letting loose around.

I turned my head to the front of the door, and there indeed was the pink-haired devil who took slow walks down. He held a textbook in his hand and rested them behind his head, leaning on his arms slightly. His facial expression read that he was bored. Well Natsu, you pissed off the wrong girl. Be prepared to face the consequences. Ha. Ha. Ha.

An evil smirk was crawling onto my face as I waited for the scene to unfold. This was going to be priceless, and I couldn't wait to see his reaction. The sad thing was that there weren't that many people here to watch, as Erza demanded I do it after school had ended.

Natsu always parked his car behind the school, where it was guaranteed a spot and in general, more peaceful. It was a fact I had picked up after my mischievous planning.

He turned the corner, looking for his black-as-night convertible. How he could afford something that pricey and good-looking, I would never know.

But his faced dropped as he saw the little-clothed, nearly naked simpering women laying on the hood of his car

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But his faced dropped as he saw the little-clothed, nearly naked simpering women laying on the hood of his car. They perked the breasts, which were extremely visible as the crop top they wore was see through and covered a little of the stomach. They're shorts were underwear jeans, as they're butts puffed out when they saw Natsu.

"Oh Natsu," they whimpered. "We want you!"

His faced turned red as his head furiously looked around for the culprit.

I was dying. I couldn't deny it. It wasn't even hard to convince the girls to come out, one look at a picture of him and I didn't even have to pay them. It was hilarious, and I could see Gray and Elfman laughing they're heads off as Natsu came storming up to them. They spoke for a while and pointed at my figure on the floor. Crap.

"He's coming!" Juvia yelled. I may as well be on my death-floor, but it was still amusing. Clearly everyone else was on my side.

"What the hell have you done?!" He furiously asked, yelling at the distance he was away.

I smirked. "Maybe next time when you stop bullying people this wouldn't happen to you, Natsu."

"Get them off my car." He demanded, his face turning sour when he said them. So he wasn't a perv, that was surprising.

"Not until you promise me something."

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want secrecy," I murmured. "I don't want this hold you have on me. Say swear you wont say anything." I whispered against his ear, Juvia looking at us weirdly. I didn't want her to know I had something to hide, I may trust her but not even that much.

He glared at me. He knew that this was his only leverage against me, and if he was a man with honour he wouldn't go back on it. But that was what scared me — he didn't have to do anything. Unlike me.

"I... Fine. I swear. Just get those dim-witted people off my car." He let out angrily, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked at me expectantly.

I smirked and shrugged, walking up to them. Inside however, I was dying. Fireworks were blowing inside my head as I realized what I had accomplished today, no more Natsu threat and I got to piss him off. Double win for me and I was going to cherish it — definitely.

"Alright girls," I stopped in front of them, my hands laying on my hips. "We're done here."

"Awwe," they whined. "But he didn't even come for us, that was the whole point we were here!" One girl argued.

The rest put their voices of agreement as they stubbornly lay on the hood of his car.

I sighed, this was going to be more difficult than I thought.

"I'll give you his address if you scamper."

They all looked at me praisingly, waiting for me to continue. Letting out a breath, I gave them the address to my boss's. I was sure she'd love the company, and probably convince them to stay. I was mean, but I wasn't that mean to cause another uproar with Natsu, I just wanted to forget everything and continue on studying peacefully.

But that wasn't how it went. No, the next day he put cockroaches in my locker, and I returned the favour by egging his car, which was very difficult to get rid of.

And so, that day marked the day of when Natsu and Lucy's prank war began, and maybe, that may have even been where their story began.

[ A/N: So, I recently saw that people actually like this story! I love each and everyone of you who have taken the time to read this fic.

However, I'm still kinda worried if y'all actually like this lol. If you could take a moment to click that star, it would help me determine if I should continue this story!

Of course, if you think this fic is absolutely bull then don't vote, I'll understand. XD

I lovee JUVIAAA XX ]

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