Cracks In Our Armours

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Sooooooo as you may have noticed, updates have been pretty slow for a while on this book. They're like every monthish, I usually start publishing 2-3 chapters a couple of days after each other than take a mini-hiatus, and lately that's been happening (sadly) a lot more often; that's because I've started writing another fic! It's called Cracks in our Armour.

So, this is announcement that a lot of you guys will not like. And I'm sorry, but updates will be a lot less frequent on His Heart's Key because I have the hugest writers block for this story. I know exactly what's going to happen next, honestly, I've had this whole story planned way before I started writing it, but I can't get myself to actually update, which is pretty sucky because we're at the climax of the story now. :/

However, luckily my inspiration hasn't completely dried out yet! Some of you may have noticed that in my bio, I've had names of other stories that haven't been published yet because they, like this one, are all stories I want to write. My original plan was to finish this one before I move onto the rest of them, (they'll all be part of the FTA series, and it's pretty easy to figure out who's the main character by the titles) but I can't help myself. I've already written a few (okay like 2) chapters and I'll slowly be releasing them!

So, if you find my writing somewhat bearable, you should head onto my profile as there is now another story; Cracks in our Armours. As somewhat hinted in the title, this story features Erza, and will take place in her eleventh grade (junior year) and thus, will not have Lucy in it because she's only admitted into FairyTail Academy this year. I'm very sad about it too, but it's the only way if I want all the story's to correlate.

You may have also noticed that His Heart's Key is pretty slow-paced, it took forever for us to get to this moment (a year of writing for me! Which also equals to me cringing and the beginning chapters and the whole "ooohhhh what's going to happen next they're both doomed" at the ends) and so Cracks in our Armours will definitely be more fast-paced.

Make sure you don't remove this book from your library, because updates will come, and check out my other book because shameless self-promo is all this chapter's about!

Make sure you don't remove this book from your library, because updates will come, and check out my other book because shameless self-promo is all this chapter's about!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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