13. Conflict of Speeches

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[ T h i r t e e n ]

They were all gone. Sting, Rogue and Yukino were no where to be found, and I already missed them. Well, Rogue and Yukino anyways. I think I was trying to forget about Sting as much as possible.

I had passed by Natsu in the hallway, and couldn't stop myself from smirking. The asshole would finally get what's coming for him, and I couldn't have been happier.

Everything was set, in motion.

"Natsu isn't normal... Zeref experimented on him when we were younger Lucy. It's why he's slightly... different.

I gulped, surprised. Everyone had heard of the legendary crook Zeref who was still on the run. It took me digging through books and news articles dated back nearly twenty years ago to find out he was somewhat connected to Mavis. It was a shock to me, that was for sure.

"Does Natsu know where he is?"

"No," she whispered. "No one does." She said sadly. And for the first time, I felt pain for Mavis. It must have been so difficult to not be able to be someone who was on the run, and their different values.

I paused for a sec, remembering the car Natsu owned. It was expensive and sleek, and I was extremely confused as to how he could afford such.

"But how is he so rich?" I was stumped yet cautious at the same time. The only reason Mavis was telling me anything at all was because she thought I could help him for whatever reason.

She laughs bitterly. "Yeah, Zeref gave him the world too. He bought him a manor and all riches he could wish for with his bad money. Natsu only took it because at the time, he still believed in Zeref, and probably still does." I was shocked, but could definitely use this to my advantage. I wasn't lying when I said I was going to absolutely ruin Natsu, and these bits of information was definitely going to help me.

I was in front of the printer now, the article I had spent a hefty amount of writing was waiting to be photocopied. It talked about Natsu's relation to a murderer, and exposing him in a way I never could have dreamed of. Everything, I mean everything was on this. All of Mavis's information and the secrets I had dug myself, he would be exposed so bad.

The truth was, I wasn't doing this just for payback, I was trying to make him understand what happens when he crosses me. What I could do, and how easily I could do it. I wanted him to never even think about doing anything that may annoy me... or well, a less exaggerated version of that.

I wasn't going to deny, I felt sorry for his past, but not enough for me to lose the hatred of what he did to me. To Yukino, Sting. He had no business with meddling into things that didn't concern him, severely hurting other people in the past. If I saw them again, I might have just breaked. And. It. Was. All. Because. Of. Him.

I hated him, I blamed everything on him because it was all his fault. The stupid ruddy actions he did. Just imagining his (unnatural? Too many weird hair dyes) salmon-coloured hair sent my veins pulsing. Oh how I wished I could wipe that smirk off his face.

But the more I thought about it, the more I hesitated. I kept chanting He deserves it into my head but it felt morally wrong and I didn't like that. I was always on the right side of situation, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to switch over.

My mind was still debating, but I knew what had to be done. The only question was if I was going to carry it out or not.

Twenty minutes later, I found myself in the library, five more minutes till the bell. I spotted Natsu on a chair by the window, his eyes following the words of what he was reading intently.

I plopped down on the couch in front of him. He put his book down, looking at me curiously. "What?" He asked harshly.

I was surprised as to the fact that he wasn't in the cafeteria with all his other friends today, but I didn't care enough to ask.

"I was going to do something today." I started. Ignoring his hardened glare as he was annoyed with my presence, I continued. "It was a bit of a stupid thing, but I was fuelled on my hatred.

"Now don't get me wrong, I still hate you, my strong dislike for you hasn't wavered, and I doubt it will in the near future. However, I restrained myself from doing something that would really hurt you," however regretfully, "Which makes me proud of my self-control. I stopped myself this time, however, I don't think I would be able to again if you did something in the future. So I'm asking of you to dis acknowledge me from now on, so we can stop this stupid hatful thing. That's all." I hurriedly ended my short speech as the lunch bell rang, grabbing my school bag and moving to leave.

Natsu was still in a state of shock, probably aghast that I was speaking to him in a non-rude tone and the fact that I actually had the balls to actually go through with something that would've actually been bad.

"Wait," he called, regaining his voice.

I turned around and raised a brow. To be honest, he was ruining my dramatic exit and I didn't really want to speak to him after letting that weight leave my chest.

"I'm..." he hesitated, as if the next words were difficult for him. Natsu sighed. "I'm sorry."

Now that shocked me. Natsu... Apologizing? How astonishing. I didn't think he even had emotions, yet enough guilt/regret to apologize.

"That doesn't mean I hate you any less," he quickly shot back. "But, I didn't think Sting meant that much to you. It was always obvious to everyone that he and that other girl would end up together..." he scratched his head awkwardly and my heart thumped. Why was he bringing it up when I was trying so hard to forget it?

"But I guess he did and I might have been less rash if I knew you liked him that bad."

Hah, right. Like I would believe him. But the weird thing was, I kind of did. Kind of.

I was still pissed at him, and he was certainly at me too, but it felt as if there was some newfound peace between us.

I had finally realized that the bell had rung a while ago, and it was only us two in the library now.

Talk about awkward. It was spreading everywhere.

I cleared my throat. "Oh well... alright- I guess." This time, I quickly turned and speed-walked out of the library before it could get any worse. Lord knows I already have too many problems with that boy.

At lease now I didn't have to worry about him as much, and I could peacefully sleep at night.

Or well, I hoped.

[ A/N: Is this... progression? O.o ]

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