o4. Tears Colder than his Heart

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[ C h a p t e r  F o u r ]

Lucy's hand stretched to wipe her forehead as she finished wiping down the last table before her shift ended. If she wanted to stay here and pursue a diploma I'm FTA, she had to work to live somewhere, getting money wasn't easy especially when this town had no love for rules and minimum wage was non-existent in Magnolia.

"Alright, you're free to go." Her boss grumpily looked at her watch, dismissing her. She was tiny woman who was old enough to be in a seniors home but she just wouldn't let it, her backbone was infinite.

Lucy let out a breath, as she tucked her apron behind the staff door and grabbed her things from the back. She was lucky enough to find a hiring place right in front of her home because it was very eerie at night, and it gave Lucy the chills as she walked those few steps.

Unfortunately for her, she wasn't able to get a ground floor room, so she had to walk up a couple of stairs before she reached the door to her apartment. It was nice and breezy inside, and Lucy instantly went to take a nice, long, hot shower. It cooled her down, and in a sense warmed her up to. The world just seemed a lot lovelier when she walked out of her shower.

Lucy stood in front of her bathroom mirror, trying to do a few poses, as she attempted to be a seductress. It was something she did for fun as she entwined her legs, pushed her chest forward with an arm around her breasts and wide, innocent like eyes. She pushed herself against her door, fluttering her eyelashes. Lucy laughed, she had had enough fun.

I should really become a model... Were her thoughts as she wrapped a towel around her, although it didn't cover much. All she had to do was grab her clothes and change outside her bathroom.

Whistling, she walked out, beginning to tug at her towel as she spotted her clothes. Luckily for her, she was able to notice to see the swift movement of pink before she screamed.


"Shut up!" He hissed as a hand covered her mouth and an arm was draped around her stomach. Lucy was too scared and shocked to think of the compromising and intimate position she and him were in.

"Sit down." He commanded, steering her towards the sofa.

Natsu sat down in front of her, staring at her expectantly, as if she called him here. This was when Lucy blew up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in my house? At this time! How the hell did you even get in here!?" She shrieked.

"Your door was unlocked." He shrugged casually.

"Get. Out." Lucy gritted her teeth, only a day had passes and she was beginning to hate Natsu, the nightmare she just wouldn't wake up from.

"Not so quick, princess," he smirked, resting an arm on the couch. "I want to know when you're getting out of here, and heading back to your castle."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Who the hell do you think you are? You know, I've had it with people like you, controlling my life and telling me what I can and cannot do. Why do you care, huh? Let me do whatever the hell I want."

"And I'm sick of newbies like you who think you can just get up, and try to be one of us. Go run back to your servants and everyone else under your control, because they're the only ones who'll ever show affection towards you. I'm sure that's why you ran. Spoiled little rich kid wanting some adoration." He taunted.

His words stung, because he didn't know how true they were. Maybe not the spoiled part, but it really showed how obvious her life and background was. And she hated how anyone could just figure it out that easily.

Tears threatened to spill, but Lucy held her side.

"Really?" She scoffed. "I'm the one who doesn't receive any affection? Whats your sob story, Natsu. Did daddy leave you? Was mummy never in the picture?" She mocked, twisting her words and using her mouth as a gun with every word a new bullet. Lucy knew she was spot on the way his ears tinted, and felt slightly bad but he woman deserved it. No, he deserved way worse.

Natsu laughed, a cruel mirthless one that told her she was supposed to be worried of what was going to happen. They were both standing up now, a heated battle between words as they restocked on their most deadly shots.

"My parent loved me, and we all know we can't say the same about you. Who broke your heart huh? You have the shattered remnants scattered all across this room. What did he do? Cheat on you? Your sister? Best friend? Or let me guess, was he never there to begin with." His eyes widened, an innocent expression dawning his face as he knew exactly how hurtful his words were.

He was right, completely hitting the bulls eye and she hated how true his words were. This time, she didn't stop it. Her tears swam down her face and her vision became cloudy and started clearing with the truth of his words. Her body trembled and her voice shook. "You asshole." She hated how he could just say it so carefree, did he not have any emotions at all?

She was breathing heavily now, calming herself as she unsuccessfully blinked back tears. "You complete, and utter asshole."

His gaze was relentless, unwavering and no different despite her state. He didn't care that he was threading on her shattered heart, he just wanted her to leave. It didn't matter if that process included breaking her, which he was so close to achieving.

"Lift your head up princess, your tiara is falling. But when it does, I'll be the first to step on it and crunch it underneath me. You wear your heart on your sleeve, so undeniably stupid and naive." His mouth was mere inches away from hers, his breath fanned her face and she could feel the cruelty radiating off of him in infinite amount of rolling waves.

"But don't worry princess, tonight I'll be the villainous dragon to your tale." He leaner forward, his lips brushing hers as he went for her ear. "Hope you won't have to cross me again, because I know exactly how to break you." His hand held her face, forcing her to meet his gaze through wet tears.

The smirk never left his face as he slid past her, knowing exactly how mean he was. The brushing of lips, what could be considered a kiss was nothing compared to what lovers held, no, it was the marking of a new fight, a battle neither could win when the fight was never-ending.

[ A/N: Why Natsu gotta be so mean tho? :00

Did anyone else notice the dragon reference in there?? O_o a little longer than usual chapter. ;) maybe I'll start lengthening them. ]

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